

Wayne County was established on January 13, 1846 and formally organized on February 13, 1851. The county is named after General “Mad Anthony” Wayne of the Revolutionary War. General Wayne earned the name “Mad Anthony” because of his tactical boldness and his personal courage in the field. In November 1850, Dr. I.W. McCarty was appointed sheriff to organize the county. The following officers were elected in August, 1851: Seth Anderson, judge; Thomas McPherson, clerk; D. Payton, recorder and treasurer, and I.W. McCarthy, sheriff. Thirty votes were cast at this election and the amount of revenue the first year was $64.30.

The County Courthouse Offices are open from 8AM to 4PM.
The Clerk of Court Office is open 8AM-4:30PM closed 12-1PM

Board of Supervisors Agenda and Minutes

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


In the event of an Emergency, an alert can be sent to the phone number provided by voice, text and email.

Election Information

General Election, Tuesday, November 5, 2024
for more details go to https://waynecountyelections.iowa.gov/

Voter Registration Form
Absentee Ballot Request Form
Wayne County Election Website
Iowa Secretary of State Website