September 15, 2017
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 15th day of Septemmber, 2017, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts and John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors. Duffy Kester was absent.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Sellers made the motion seconded by Dotts to approve the Agenda.
Sellers made the motion seconded by Dotts to approve the minutes of the Aug 21, 2017 and Sept. 5, 2017 meetings.
Sellers made the motion with a 2nd by Dotts to approve the claims.
Sellers made a motion with a second by Dotts to approve the canvass of votes as follows:
Wayne County School Election September 12, 2017 Official Results
Wayne Community School:
Dan Carpenter- 45
Mandi Goretska- 44
Scattering- 2
Mormon Trail School District:
Tami Arnold- 40
Stephanie Bear- 55
Jeremy Cromer- 63
Angela Johnson- 17
Marc Smiarowski- 136
Scattering- 2
South Western Community College:
District 3:
Jerry Smith- 132
Public Measure “A” :
No- 46
Seymour Community School:
Johnathon Drew Power- 46
Tom Rembe- 40
Scattering- 12
Bill Byrns was present to discuss the excellent progress on generators that are available in all of the towns in Wayne County. Next he will be looking at buildings in the towns that can be wired for generator use.
There was one bid for tree removal, but this was tabled until further information is received about the bid.
Supervisor Dotts read the following letter on his position for not signing a petition pertaining to hog confinements in the area. Sellers stated that Dotts has worked tirelessly on this issue. He supports Dotts on this issue.
Earlier this week the Board of Supervisors received a copy of a letter from Dickinson County in support of a petition by Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement to the Iowa DNR. I was urged to sign the letter that I, as Board of Supervisors Chair in Wayne County, was in support of the petition. I did not think signing on to a form letter in support of a petition I had not read for an issue that could directly affect agriculture in Wayne County was what the voters of Wayne County would want me to do. First, I wanted to get a copy of the actual petition, which I did. I then went about getting in touch with contacts I have to get their take on the issue. The first was County Attorney Alan Wilson and he advised not to sign on to anything that had not been thoroughly studied. His advice was if Wayne County wanted to send a letter in support of changes to the Master Matrix they should do so on their own, which we are in support of. Also, the petition from CCI is directed to the DNR. Everyone I have been in contact with has told me the DNR is a regulatory agency not a policy agency. That is the job of the legislature. The issues that are addressed in the petition cannot be changed by the DNR. We are currently in the process of the final appeal for the Richman Sow Farm. We are going to meet with Alan Wilson to finalize the last step in the appeal process and in addition we will draft a letter to the legislature and DNR in support of updating and strengthening the Master Matrix.
Kim Swearingin addressed the board to discuss abatement and suspension of taxes on properties.
Sellers made a motion with a second by Sellers to abate the 2016 taxes for property acquired by Wayne Community Schools at 213 W. Jefferson for $788. Dist/Parcel: CC/WC 07190F336002
Sellers made the motion with a second by Dotts for an abatement of the 2015 & 2016 taxes and any future taxes for the City of Corydon for the property at 205 E. Moore.
Sellers made the motion with a second by Dotts to suspend the 2016 taxes for property owned by Jimmy McCarty for $260 on Parcel 13200D276013.
Sellers made a motion with a second by Dotts to immediately advertise for the position of Veterans Affairs Director.
Trevor Wolf, County Engineer, addressed the board to discuss equipment bids and roadwork. Sellers made a motion to accept the bid for 2 new tractors at a price of $71,925 each and a mower for $17,200 from Vetter Equipment. Sellers made the motion with a second by Dotts to advertise the old tractors online to sell them. Wolf stated that he had a request to vacate a portion of Raccoon Road in Wright Township, but he is not in favor of that. He also made the Board aware of concerns about a road in Wright Township that had been vacated in 1980. Sellers made a motion with a second by Dotts to accept the contract with Bargen for repairs west of Clio for $57,354 and east of Seymour for $19,574.
Sellers made a motion with a second by Dotts to approve the easement requested by ITC.
Sellers made the motion with a second by Dotts to adjourn at 10:10 AM.
There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 25th day of September.
________________________ ___________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Denise Becker, Secretary