Board of Supervisors Minutes- November 18, 2019

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

November 18, 2019

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 18th day of November, 2019, in the Board Room/Basement Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams members of the Board of Supervisors, David Rhodes, Al Wilson, Randy Zerr, Michelle Dooley

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts called meeting to order at 9:04 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

Seams made the motion, seconded by TSwearingin to strike #9 agenda item: Wayne Co. Employee Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy and approve remaining agenda.

Seams made the motion, seconded by TSwearingin to approve the minutes.

TSwearingin made the motion, seconded by Seams to approve claims.

Seams made the motion, seconded by TSwearingin to approve payroll.

Bill Byrns did not have anything.  He was attending meeting in Des Moines.

TSwearingin made the motion, seconded by Seams to approve October Department Reports; Recorder’s Office deposited $5616.14, Sheriff’s Office deposited $26,517.95 & the Clerk of Court deposited $ 181.37.

Randy Zerr, Secondary Roads Engineer, is working on 25 projects with FEMA and is working with Federal Highway Administration regarding 2 projects.

TSwearingin attended Conservation Board meeting. All parks in Wayne County are currently closed.  TSwearingin also attended Farm Bureau meeting last week to discuss Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.

Seams attended Milestone meeting and has been approved to sit on Milestone Advisory Board.  The Milestone Board oversees Federally Funding for local senior meal sites.  Currently, Wayne County meal sites are primarily supported by local funding.  Seams also mentioned that Wayne County Senior Meal Site Board is doing a great job with the funding they have available.  Seams also attended a Wayne County Healthy Homes meeting.  This group promotes healthier living.  One idea was to continue to support the Local Farmers Market next season.

Dotts attended Wayne County Housing meeting as well as the Farm Bureau meeting to discuss Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.

David Rhodes presented the 3rd reading of the Wayne County Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.  Rhodes stated that he checked with numerous other counties and only 2 did not have a Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.  The Iowa State Health Administration is mandating counties to adopt an ordinance relating to this topic.  Al Wilson, County Attorney, was in attendance and stated that the ordinance would be the last option when dealing with nuisance issues.  Wilson also sited Iowa Code Section 657 as the basis for what the State has in place.

Dr Wells was present and spoke on behalf of the Public Heath Board.  Their main objective is to promote and protect the health of all citizens of Wayne County.

Public Comment:  The Basement Conference room was again filled with concerned citizens.  Twenty-one (21) citizens signed in to speak.  And once again the common statement “This ordinance is too vague and infringes on the personal rights.” The citizens do not think that it is necessary to have such an ordinance especially since there are laws at the state level to handle such issues.  They also stated that Wayne County may have an issue but this is not the right ordinance for the county.

TSwearingin made motion to adopt ordinance.  Motion died for lack of a 2nd.

Seams made motion to defer the ordinance back to Public Health Board.  Motion died for lack of a 2nd.

Then Dotts, Board of Supervisor Chair, stated the Nuisance Abatement Ordinance would return to the Public Health Board to be reviewed and revised.  Dr Joel Wells followed up with encouraging citizens to write their comments down and submit them to the Public Health Board and to be involved with the process of rewriting ordinance.  The next Public Health Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26th @ 7am.  Location of meeting is the basement conference room at the Wayne County Courthouse.

TSwearingin made a motion, seconded by Seams to adjourn meeting at 10:25 AM.

There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 2nd day of December, 2019.

Claims paid on November 18, 2019


_____________________________                          Attest:_____________________

David Dotts, Chairman                                               Michelle Dooley, Wayne County Auditor