June 19, 2017
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 19th day of June, 2017, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Sellers made the motion seconded by Kester to approve the Agenda with the following additions:
Tax Abatement for Humeston property
Swearing in of Amanda Cooper
Resolutions for fiscal year
Letters of comment for Alley Finishers, LLC
Kester made the motion seconded by Sellers to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2017 meeting.
Bill Byrns was present to discuss items that he is purchasing through the Healthcare Coalition. He asked for permission to use the County credit card to purchase these items that need to be purchased before June 30th. Kester made the motion with a second by Sellers to approve Byrns’ use of the credit card. All funds will be reimbursed by state funds after July 1st. Byrns is expecting a fast turn around for reimbursement of funds.
Trevor Wolf, County Engineer, shared with the Board the projects in place for secondary roads including some patching of old Highway 2 west of town. Kester shared that he is pleased with the good job that is being done on graveling the shoulders. Wolf stated that Raccoon Rd. will be closed on July 5th to begin work. The deadline for applications for his assistant was Friday. There is a concern about farmers planting crops in the right of way, causing a safety concern. It was discussed that those crops may need to be mowed. There was discussion on the raises for the office staff in the Engineer’s office. Kester made the motion with a second by Sellers that the office staff would receive a 3% raise.
Mendy Middlebrook appeared before the board to discuss updates on the Burial Policy for Wayne County. Sellers made the motion with a second by Kester to approve the Burial Policy for Wayne County with the one change – Local was changed to Wayne County.
Teresa Roberts from SE Iowa Case Management was present to discuss the 28E agreement between Wayne County and her office. Kester made the motion with a second by Sellers to continue the 28E agreement with SE Iowa Case Management.
Kim Swearingin, Wayne County Treasurer, asked the Board to waive taxes on a property that Humeston had acquired through the court as an abandoned property. Sellers made the motion with a 2nd by Kester to abate the taxes on Parcel #01150E313002.
Amanda Cooper was sworn in by Board Chairman, Dave Dotts, to perform duties in the Wayne County Treasurer’s Office.
The following Resolutions were approved for the Fiscal Year 2018.
RESOLUTION 06-02-2017 Expenditures of Various Offices
RESOLUTION 06-03-2017 Mileage Sheriff’s Dept.
RESOLUTION 06-04-2017 Destruction of Noxious Weeds
RESOLUTION 06-05-2017 Establishing $5 County Enforcement Surcharge
RESOLUTION 06-06-2017 Bid Process and Advertising for Sealed Bids
RESOLUTION 06-07-2017 Work Physicals by Wayne County Employees
RESOLUTION 06-08-2017 Cents per Mile Paid from County Funds
RESOLUTION 06-09-2017 Transfer of Money to Secondary Roads
RESOLUTION 06-10-2017 Establishing Policy for Right of Way on Land to Market
RESOLUTION 06-11-2017 Designated Depositories
RESOLUTION 06-12-2017 Appointing Members of Veteran’s Commission
RESOLUTION 06-13-2017 Transfer of Funds in County
RESOLUTION 06-14-2017 Cost of Schooling and Training
The Board has received 10 letters of concern on the Alley Finishers, LLC project. The Board will take those under consideration. Brian Bunton with the DNR was present to answers and did clarify that the Board of Supervisors do not have decision making power in this matter. Sellers did express a concern with air quality. The Board will join the DNR at the site at 12:30 to review the Matrix that the DNR had completed earlier.
Sheriff Davis was present to clarify questions that had arisen concerning salaries in his office. It was agreed that the raise for the sheriff and his office staff was 6% with some exceptions.
Kester made the motion to recess. This was seconded by Sellers.
The Board of Supervisors resumed the meeting at 2:32. The Board double checked the score from the DNR on Alley Finishers, LLC. Brian Bunton, DNR, will get back to the Board after checking to see if the June 29th deadline can be extended. The Board wants to have a Public Meeting on July 10th to discuss the Alley Project.
There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 10th day of July 2017.
________________________ ___________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Denise Becker, Secretary