Board of Supervisors Meeting – October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 10th day of October 2016, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice of meeting subject to Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the Agenda.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the minutes.

Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the claims as submitted.

Bill Byrns, E911/EMC, was present and updated the Board on the site audit done by ICAP.

Stephanie Mendenhall was present and visited with the Board about the meeting with the Governor’s recent visit in Humeston, noting that the matter of the forest reserve credit and the overuse by absentee land owners.  Mrs. Mendenhall stated that the Governor understood their concern but would prefer that the information came from the Counties and presented to the Legislators, thus her request was that the Supervisors in the various Counties present their concerns to their Legislators.  Kester stated that he would contact Farm Bureau, our State Representative and Senator and the State/County Association.

Trevor Wolf, County Engineer, was present updating the Board on culvert, bridge and moving projects, along with the following quotes for a motor-grader;Wolf also presented

John Deere         $241,500.00         trade-in price         $192,500.00

Zeigler                 $249,900.00        trade-in price          $207,400.00

Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to purchase the machine from Zeigler at $207,400.00.

Wolf also presented FM-C093(83)-55-93 contract for a box culvert using farm to market funds at an estimated cost of $385,000.00 on 140th.  Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve and sign.  Also project BROS C093(81)-5F-93 on Vale with Federal Bridge Funding.  Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve and sign.

Bonnie Friend, Conservation Director, was present and updated the Board in regards to insurance coverage with MDL, various projects, buildings and grant funds.  Friend also reviewed with the Board her meeting with Alan Wilson, County Attorney, in the development of 28-E Agreements for the maintenance of parks, grounds, roads and water with the various Cities involved.  Friend requested that the Board take action on who was going to insure the buildings.  Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to table any action at this time pending the response from the Cities.

Kester reported that he had visited with Larry Warren in regards to putting another light in the Courtyard to illuminate the American Flag, and that he would take care of it.

The monthly report of Angie Horton, County Recorder, was approved and filed.

There being no further business the Board recessed until the next regular scheduled meeting to be held on the 24th day of October 2016.


Duffy Kester, Chairperson

Attest: ______________________________

Sue Ruble, County Auditor