Board of Supervisors Meeting – August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 8th day of August 2016, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice of meeting subject to Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the Agenda.

Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2016, meeting.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the claims as submitted.

Bill Byrns updated the Board on Ragbrai and the flood plan per the meetings and conversation with FEMA.

Trevor Wolf, County Engineer updated the Board on various projects and equipment.

It was noted that Devon Garden has been moved to a full time employee effective July 31, 2016, in the Sheriff’s Office at $15.07 per hour.

The monthly reports of Keith Davis, County Sheriff, were approved and filed.

The Semi-Annual Settlement was approved and filed.

There being no further business the Board recessed until it became necessary for discussion, noting that the new regular scheduled meeting to be held on the 22nd day of August 2016.



Duffy Kester, Chairperson

Attest: ______________________________

Sue Ruble, County Auditor