Board of Supervisors Meeting – May 9, 2016

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

May 9, 2016

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 9th of May 2016, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice of meeting duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester,  members of the Board of Supervisors.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Kester made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the agenda.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Kester to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2016, meeting.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Kester to approve the claims as submitted.

Don Bethards, Engineer’s Office, reported that the bridges in Walnut and Union Townships were completed.  It was also noted that the Railroad would be closing the railroad for repairs on Linden Rd east of S26 in Section 26 of Benton Township.

Bill Byrns reported on the fire alarms and how the monitoring, alarms and reported would be done in compliance with Iowa Code.  Byrns also reported that Midwest Alarm Service would provide this service at an annual fee of $408.00

Mr. Byrns also reported that the land owner in Bethlehem would not grant permission for Iowa Craft Beer to set up a tent for Ragbrai.

It was noted that The Wayne County Fair Board had submitted a request for renewal on the dram license at the fairgrounds.  Kester made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the request for renewal.

Dotts made the motion, Kester seconded to approve Resolution 05-01-2016, a resolution adopting the Procurement Policy for Certain Federally Funded Projects.

Dotts made the motion, Kester seconded to approve Resolution 05-02-2016, a resolution pertaining to a Wayne County Policy in compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 331.342, that will prevent a Conflict of Interest regarding Employees of Wayne County.

Kim Swearingin, County Treasurer, was present and reviewed the minutes of May 4, 2015, where Kester made the motion to abate the County’s share of the property taxes on the Seymour Care Center. Swearingin stated that per Iowa Code, they could not abate just a portion of the taxes due, that they would either have to abate the taxes as a whole or enter into an agreement with the entities to compromise the taxes.  After some discussion Kester made the motion, Dotts seconded the motion to table any action on the matter pending a discussion with the County Attorney.

Denise Becker was present to review a Renter’s Profile Survey, requesting that it be put on a County Letterhead and distributed to the various employers in the County, and to have employees complete on a voluntary basis, providing a better assessment of housing needs.  Kester made the motion, Dotts seconded the motion to allow it to be distributed on a County Letterhead.

Dotts made the motion, Kester seconded the motion to purchase 3 (three) signs to be posted on the north side of the south parking lot, noting that all Employees should park on the south side of the lot at a cost of $7.70 each.

Representatives of Chariton Valley RC&D were present to review the process, time frame and various responsibilities of the RC&D and the County, in regards to the Hazard Mitigation.  There was a discussion on the steps that had been completed by the RC&D, noting other requirements once the Grant had been approved and signed by the County, which they understood might be presented at the meeting on the 10th of May 2016, when they meet with the Board.  Once the Grant Agreement was approved and signed the RC&D would present their Agreement for approval.  It was noted that the close out date for the last Agreement was October 2018.

The monthly reports of Angie Horton, County Recorder, and Keith Davis, County Sheriff, were approved and filed.

There being no further business the Board recessed until it became necessary for discussion, with the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on the 9th day of May 2016.



Attest:____________________________                       Duffy Kester, Chairperson

Sue Ruble, County Auditor