Board of Supervisors Meeting – June 13, 2016

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

June 13, 2016

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 13th day of June 2016, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice of meeting subject to Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.

Unless otherwise noted, all motion were approved unanimously.

Sellers made the motion, Dotts seconded to approve the Agenda.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the minutes of the May 23, 2016, minutes.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the claims as submitted.

The Board conducted the Official Canvass of the Primary Election held on the 7th day of June 2016, in Wayne County, Iowa, reporting the follow;

For US Senate

Candidate                                                           Votes

Thomas L Fiegen-D                                          14

Robert M Hogg-D                                             32

Patty Judge-D                                                    121

Bob Krause-D                                                    13

Charles E Grassley-R                                       188

Scattering                                                                 4

For US Representative

Dave Loebsack-D                                             163

Christopher Peters-R                                     165

Scattering                                                                 1

For State Senator Dist # 14

Amy Sinclair-R                                                   198

Scattering                                                                 5

For State Representative Dist # 27

Richard Higdon-D                                             132

Joel Fry -R                                                            178

Scattering                                                                 0

For Board of Supervisors

Billy Joe Alley-D                                                90

Caleb Housh-D                                                  103

Duffy Kester-R                                                  177

Scattering                                                                 2

For County Auditor

Michelle Dooley-D                                           147

Tammy Clark-R                                                  194

Scattering                                                                 2

For County Sheriff

Keith Davis-R                                                     198

Scattering                                                                 8

Noting a total voter turnout was 401, Seller made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the Official Canvass of the June 7, 2016, Primary Election.

Bill Byrns was present and reviewed the motion made, and approved in the May 23, 2016, meeting to move forward with the quote of Midwest Alarm Services of the voice dialer system, in regards to the fire alarm system in the Courthouse. Byrns stated that that system was not approved by Code and that they should move forward with the annual cost of $408.00 for monitoring services that was Code approved. Dotts made the motion to rescind the motion on May 23rd and purchase the annual fee of $408.00, seconded by Sellers. Byrns also reviewed the weather alarm system for the rural Seymour Area, noting that the pole had been secured, stating that an additional $5,000.00 was needed to complete the process. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts for Byrns to try to find grant funds for the additional cost.

Denise Becker and Byrns reviewed the meeting held on the 7th of June 2016, with Kester in attendance, held with Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department. In the meeting there was a discussion in regards to the dates of the Hazardous Mitigation Plan and concerns in regards to the laps in time and coverage, and presented the Agreement with Homeland Security to be signed, with performance period start date of 02-19-2016 and ending date of 08-19-2018, with Federal Funds Obligated in the amount of $22,500.00. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve and sign the Planning Sub Award Agreement. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to table any action with Chariton Valley Planning and Development to obtain more information in regards to the necessary changes needed.

Kim Swearingin, County Treasurer, was present and requested that the Board assign Tax Sale Certificate, on parcel # 03200A160001, local in the City of Millerton to Ann Stevens in the amount of $38.00, noting that she will then pay for the 90 day notice. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the assignment. Swearingin also requested that the Board abate the taxes on a mobile home that has been removed from parcel # 13200G453011A located in the City of Lineville in the amount or $549.00. Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the abatement of taxes on the property as noted. Swearingin also presented a letter from the City of Seymour requesting the taxes on a property that they recently obtained and hope to sell, and were requesting that the Board abate the taxes on parcel # 12140H490005 located in the City of Seymour in the amount of $2324.00. Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to abate the taxes as requested. Swearingin also presented a request for a suspension of taxes on a property located in Humeston in the $380.00 on parcel # 01150E365009. Kester asked if they was any way that they would be able to recoup the taxes do at some point with Swearingin reviewed the process for suspension and that they were going to do some research with DHS. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve the request to suspend the taxes.

A local tax payer was present and showed some concerns in regards to the abatement of taxes, stating that he had a house that was on some property that he was going to purchase, which was livable, but in regards to the regulations and cost of a sewer system it was prohibiting to rent the house, so he was going to just destroy it, and that he had concerns with that due to the shortage of affordable housing and could something be done to help him out on taxes. Assessor, Kay Middlebrook and Swearingin explained the requirements or assessment years, valuations and property tax payments nothing could be done until 2017.

Denise Becker was present and reviewed with the Board the Home Iowa Initiative stating that the Governor was requesting that Iowa businesses and communities support the program. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve and adopt Resolution 06-02-2016, a Resolution Supporting the Home Iowa initiative.

Mendy Middlebrook and representative from South East Iowa Case Management in regards to the new 28-E Agreement for services for the fiscal year 2017-2018, noting that there were no changes from the past years Agreement except for the date change. Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve and sign the 28-E Agreement.

Dotts made the motion, seconded by Sellers to approve the request of Backpocket and Alley Cat Ragbrai to set up beer tents and stands along the Ragbrai route on County Road J22.

Trevor Wolf, County Engineer, was present and presented the Board with Resolution 06-03-2016, a Resolution for Construction Agreement between the City and County on Secondary Road Extensions, project # FM-C093(80)—55-93, on extension J46 within the City of Allerton, Iowa, noting a letting date of June 22, 2016 with a late start date in October. Sellers made the motion, seconded by Dotts to approve and adopt the Resolution. Mr. Wolf also reported on the starting and continuation of bridge work. Kester stated that he had received a request to clean up the bean meal in the ditch along S40. Comments from the public in attendance commented on the condition of the road shoulders and that some were really dangerous in regards to drop offs and that with the increasing large farm equipment that when it was dropped off the road onto the shoulders that it was going to create problems, also the lack of moving along some of the County paved roads, with an increase in weeds, brush and new growth of trees. Mr. Wolf also noted that he would be advertising for a new employee in the coming months.

The Board reviewed the resolutions for the upcoming fiscal year to be reviewed and adopted on the 30th day of June 2016.

There were several comments from the Public in regards to the practices as to the rules and use of the County Parks that were support by tax payers and why some of the practices were only in some of the parks. Dotts stated that there was a Conservation Board meeting tonight at Bob White Lake Park and that he would bring the concerns to the other Board Members.

Kester stated that the Courthouse would no long accept deliveries for the Wayne County Fair Board and that his understanding was that the Extension Service would not accept them either.

Kester noted that Kone stated that the telephone in the elevator needed to be updated and that they were willing to install a new one for $706.00, with some discussion it was determined that the Board would contact South Central Communications in regards to replacing the phone.

Kester stated that the rates for the recycling program for the Humeston and Lineville were increasing and that the City of Corydon no longer provided that service to rural areas, and that he was going to work with the two communities and research other options, and that the annual allocation to the City of Corydon would be discontinued.

It was noted that Katherine Lutton hourly rate would increase to $14.35 per hour effective May 29, 2016.

The monthly report of Keith Davis, County Sheriff, was approved and filed.


There being no further business the Board recessed until it became necessary for discussion, noting that they would be meeting on the 15th day of June for discussion purposes, with the next regular scheduled meeting to be held on the 30th day of June 2016.



Attest:____________________________                       Duffy Kester, Chairperson

Sue Ruble, County Auditor