December 17, 2018
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 17th day of December, 2018, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Pledge of Allegiance
Kester made the motion seconded by Sellers to approve the Agenda with the addition of two items – Resolution 12-03-18 Appointment to Commissioner of Area XV Housing and John Sellers’ request to remain on two boards.
Sellers made the motion seconded by Kester to approve the minutes of the Dec. 3, 2018 meeting.
Kester made the motion with a 2nd by Sellers to approve the claims.
Jeff Skalberg, County Engineer, asked for signatures for the following Right of Way contracts:
David Shuey – 180th
Brad McConahay – 150th
Updates included work on the culvert on 150th by Craig Onstot. The culvert is being installed by the county on 45th northwest of Clio. Skalberg is working on another contract for a culvert and stated that the road crew has been cutting brush around bridges.
The holidays for 2019 were discussed with Sellers making a motion to accept Resolution 01-02-19 with a 2nd by Kester.
Michelle Dooley, County Auditor, presented her fund balance update. Dooley also stated there will be a 3% from Kone Elevator and that she had received a thank you from Chariton Valley Regional Housing Trust for the pledge of $7500 to that organization.
David Dotts stated that he had attended a Corydon Community Development Corp. meeting where the group voted to pledge $2000 for the McClure work on housing. He had also attended a Soil District meeting. Sellers stated that the Soil District has committed $1000 to help with the project.
Duffy Kester attended the 5th District meeting where he attended a session given by Roger Shindell from CAROSH.
Sellers made a motion with a 2nd by Kester to appoint Denise Becker for a one year term as a commissioner to Area XV Multi-County Housing Agency.
John Sellers asked for approval from the Board of Supervisors that he remain on the Rathbun Water Alliance where he has served for 20 years and SIDCA where he has served for 16 years. Kester made a motion with a 2nd by Dotts for Sellers to remain as a member on both boards.
Resolution 01-09-19 was reviewed for accuracy of members on the Eminent Domain Board. Kester made motion with a 2nd by Sellers to table Resolutin 01-09-19 until next meeting.
Reports from the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office and the Clerk of Court were approved.
Sellers made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Kester at 9:40 AM.
There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 31st day of December.
________________________ ___________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Denise Becker, Secretary