Board of Supervisors Meeting – January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 28th day of January 2019, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were Duffy Kester, David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, members of the Board of Supervisors.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Swearingin made the motion seconded by Dotts to approve the Agenda with the addition of Joella Perry, Veterans’ Affairs.
Dotts made the motion seconded by Swearingin to approve the minutes of the Jan. 14, 2019 meeting.
Kester made the motion with a 2nd by Dotts to approve the claims.
Dotts made the motion with a 2nd by Swearingin to approve the payroll.
Bill Byrns – EMC/E911 was present to discuss new identification cards for all courthouse employees. Swearingin made a motion with a 2nd by Dotts that identification cards will be used by all County employees who work in the courthouse. Byrns will be ordering the items needed for the cards. After a discussion about fire safety training, Dotts made the motion with a second by Swearingin to take $500 from the Courthouse budget to pay for fire safety training for courthouse employees.
Keith Davis, Wayne County Sheriff, presented two quotes for a new vehicle for use by the jail. Funds for this purchase will come from the Local Option Sales Tax. Swearingin made the motion with a 2nd by Dotts to approve the purchase of a V8 Dodge Durango at an approximate total cost of $38,000. The vehicle will be unmarked but will be equipped with lights and a siren as well as a cage to transport individuals.
Dan Carpenter and Interim Engineer, Gary Bishop, discussed Secondary Roads updates. The recent weather has been difficult for operators, but Swearingin and Kester both expressed that the County has done an excellent job. Carpenter stated that the operators use different routes for each snow so that the same roads are not first or last to be cleared. There was much discussion on individuals clearing snow on the gravel roads and taking the gravel off in some areas. Supervisors would like to make people aware of this problem. Maintainer operators won’t run on Wednesday due to the extreme cold unless there is an emergency where 911 has been called. Secondary road workers have been working 7 days a week. Comp time will be looked at when Supervisors.
Diane Olson Schroeder was present for her reappointment to the Wayne County Conservation Department Board. Bonnie Friend, Executive Director of WCCD, was also in attendance. Dotts made the motion with a 2nd by Swearingin to reappoint Diane Olson Schroeder to a 5 year term on the WCCD Board. Kester stated that he appreciated the articles that Schroeder puts in the newspaper that discuss WCCD. Dotts also was pleased with the improvements that have been made in the parks during her term.
Swearingin made a motion with a 2nd by Dotts to approve Resolution 01-14-19 – a Resolution declaring that the Courthouse Building Security Plan and Security Video be kept Confidential.
Swearingin made a motion with a 2nd by Kester to approve Resolution 01-15-19 – a Resolution to appoint David Dotts to the Fifth Judicial District.
Dotts made a motion with a 2nd by Swearingin to approve Resolution 01-16-19 – a Resolution to replace Resolution 01-04-19 as suggested by the State Auditor.
Dan Coffey – Courthouse Maintenance was present to discuss six items he has been working on and to give updates to the Board. (1) Soda machine – Southern IA Vending out of Greenfield will be bringing a new machine in a couple of weeks. (2) Snow removal – The east parking lot has not been done. Coffey suggested maybe needing other equipment to help him clear the sidewalks. (3) Caulking outside windows and doors which is in this year’s budget. (4) On demand water heaters would require $7600 in electrical work in addition to the water heaters. (5) The alarm system included the elevator, but it has not been done. Coffey is working on estimates for that. (6) The ceiling tile project has only been completed on one floor.
Joella Perry, Director of Veteran’s Affairs, was present to discuss the purchase of 300 Challenge Coins at a cost of $782. Perry has a limit of $500 on her County credit card. Swearingin made the motion with a 2nd by Dotts to increase the limit of Perry’s credit card to $1000. Perry also discussed that May 8th will be the 100th anniversary of the statue in the Courtyard.
Michelle Dooley, Auditor, discussed the need for a new tabulator machine for voting. Currently the County has five machines with no backup. According to HF 255 the city and school elections will be combined and we will need the machine to keep Lineville as a precinct. Dotts made the motion with a 2nd by Swearingin to purchase one new tabulator machine at a cost of $6060.
Meetings attended by Supervisors included: Dotts – courthouse security meeting, 5th District Department of Corrections, Transportation, TAC meeting. Swearingin – Conservation meeting where they discussed budget and items needed by WCCD, Southern Iowa Response Group, Transit Meeting – Wayne County use is low and need to come up with ways to improve that.
Dotts made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Swearingin at 11:15 AM.
There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 11th day of February 2019.

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Duffy Kester, Chairperson Denise Becker, Secretary