Board of Supervisors Meeting – March 4, 2019

March 4, 2019
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 4th day of March, 2019, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were Duffy Kester, David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, members of the Board of Supervisors.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Swearingin made the motion to adopt the agenda with a second by Dotts.
9:00 AM – Budget Hearing. There was no public in attendance.
Swearingin made the motion with a second by Dotts to approve Resolution 03-01-19FY20 Budget.
Swearingin made the motion with a second by Dotts to approve Resolution 03-02-19FY20 Appropriations.
Swearingin made the motion with a second by Dotts to approve the Secondary Roads Budget for DOT.
The Board discussed the rental of the County Farm.
Dotts made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Swearingin.
There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 11th day of March 2019..

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Duffy Kester, Chairperson Denise Becker, Secretary