July 1, 2019
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 1st day of July, 2019, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts and Tom Swearingin, members of the Board of Supervisors.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Donald Seams was sworn in by Chairperson David Dotts to fill the Supervisor vacancy caused by the resignation of Duffy Kester.
Swearingin adopted the agenda with a second by Seams.
Swearingin approved the minutes from the June 17th meeting with a second by Seams.
Swearingin approved the claims with a second by Seams.
Auditor, Michelle Dooley, presented the Official Canvass of the Mormon Trail Special PPEL election which would levy $1.34 per $1000 for 10 years beginning in FY 2021. Swearingin made the motion with a 2nd by Seams to approve the vote which passed by a majority at 225 YES and 165 NO.
Swearingin made a motion with a 2nd by Seams to appoint Penny Fetters to fill a vacancy on the Board of Health.
Swearingin made a motion with a 2nd by Seams to approve Resolution 20-01 for the WRD Landfill.
Swearingin made a motion with a 2nd by Seams to approve the new numbering of resolutions that would begin with 20 representing the fiscal year.
The following resolutions were approved:
Resolution 20-02 – Salaries and wages beginning July 1, 2019 – Motion-Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-03 – Mileage fees – Sheriff’s Federal Rate – Motion – Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-04 – Destruction of noxious weeds – Motion – Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-05 – $5 County Enforcement Surcharge – Motion – Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-06 – Bid process and advertising for sealed bids – Motion to Table – Seams and 2nd Swearingin.
Resolution 20-07 – Work Physicals – Motion Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-08 – Cents per Mile not to exceed $.50 – Motion Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-09 – Right of Way Acquisition on Farm to Market and Federal Aid Construction Projects – Motion Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-10 – Designated Depositors – Motion Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Resolution 20-11 – GASB 54 (Fund Balance Policy) – Motion Seams and 2nd Swearingin.
Resolution 20-12 – Schooling and Training – Motion Seams and 2nd Swearingin.
Resolution 20-13 – Transfer of money to Secondary Roads Dept. – Motion Swearingin and 2nd Seams.
Sheriff Keith Davis asked the Board to approve the appointment of Joshua Strife, who is already certified by the academy, as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff at $1 per year. Davis read a letter of support from Officer Wiltamuth. Swearingin made a motion to appoint Joshua Strife as Reserve Deputy with a 2nd by Seams. Davis also discussed restarting the canine program. There is already $5000 in the Reserve Deputy Fund and $5000 in the canine fund. Approximately $8000 more is needed.
Ann Stevens, Dennis Moorman, and Amber Rodgers from the City of Corydon attended the BOS meeting to discuss Corydon Lake Park. Members of Wayne County Conservation in attendance were Tom Swearingin, Diane Olson Schroeder, Tom Rockhold, and Mike Lewis. Swearingin stated that the two parties could end the agreement. City Council member, Amber Rodgers, suggested a coordinated meeting with the city and conservation at the park so that they could all get on the same page about what needed to be done. Conservation members agreed that the park needs improvement, but the city will need to let them do what is needed to improve the area. A meeting will be scheduled in the future.
Dan Carpenter gave an update on secondary roads. Some blow-ups on roads occurred over the weekend due to the heat. On June 27th an email was received from FEMA that validated the claims from the flooding, but no official action has been taken yet. Interviews are completed for mechanic and operator and should be decided next week. The bridge deck north of Promise City was let in June. Patching projects and 2 box culverts will be let soon. For the FY the department went over budget on rock and snow and ice removal.
Supervisor Meetings:
Dotts attended SCICAP which reviewed year end items and a 5th Judicial Executive Board Meeting that dealt with a personnel issue.
Swearingin attended a Conservation meeting. Applications for a director will be opened on Friday. Swearingin also attended a 10:15 Transit meeting. They are working on a VA transportation plan and approved a grant for $260,000. He attended a Public Health meeting and a TAC meeting.
Dotts and Swearingin attended a Southern Iowa Supervisors’ meeting.
Joella Perry, Veterans’ Affairs, discussed changing a program to meet HIPAA requirements through CAROSH. Tiena Lewis and Abby Clark will begin helping in the VA office next week.
Swearingin made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Seams at 10:45 AM.
There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 15th day of July, 2019.
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David Dotts, Chairperson Denise Becker, Secretary