Board of Supervisors Minutes- December 2, 2019

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

December 2, 2019

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 2nd day of December, 2019, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, and Don Seams members of the Board of Supervisors.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Swearingin adopted the agenda with a second by Seams.

Seams approved the minutes from the Nov. 13th 1st tier canvass, Nov. 18th 2nd tier canvass, and the Nov. 18th meetings with a second by Swearingin.

Swearingin approved the claims with a second by Seams.

Seams approved payroll with a second by Swearingin.

Members of the Karl Miles LeCompte Library Board addressed the Board concerning the allocation presented by Wayne County.  In attendance were Glen Williamson, Harriet Gustafson, Leona Darrah, and Leroy Langloss.  Williamson discussed the monthly financial obligations of the library and the need for more funds to raise the wage of the librarian to a competitive wage. Darrah presented a slide show focusing on the programs provided by the library.  Michelle Dooley, Auditor, explained the process for the yearly library allocation and is anticipating a higher allocation due to an increase in land evaluations.

Randy Zerr, County Engineer, discussed the status of FEMA projects where 25 sites are being reviewed.  A joint application is required for some low water crossings. The Davis Road culvert has been deemed ineligible by the Federal Highway Administration due to the timeline.  Medicine Creek’s Damage Report has been approved by FHWA.  It is an 80/20 split with the county paying 20%.  Preliminary estimates for repair are $995,975.  Zerr has emailed Alan Wilson, County Attorney, for his review on the following documents: Secondary Roads Department DOT Employee Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Fraud Reporting Policy, Personally Identifiable Information Policy, and Segregation of Duties Policy.

Michelle Dooley, Auditor, presented the FY20 GAAP Financial Report.  Swearingin made the motion with a 2nd by Seams to accept the FY20 GAAP Financial Report.  Dooley also stated the state auditors will be here this week and next week.

The Board approved one monthly report.  Swearingin made the motion with a 2nd by Seams to approve the Cash and Outstanding Report present by Treasurer, Kim Swearingin.

Supervisors’ Updates of meetings attended included: Swearingin attended a 10-15 Transit meeting, Conservation meeting – 9 deer were harvested and tested with all testing coming back negative, Public Health – had been approximately $200,000 in the red and is now in the black.  Dotts – DCAT meeting.  Seams – Iowa Workforce Development in Johnston – Members came up with 3 maps to present to stakeholders, but now there are 6 maps that define the IWD regions in Iowa, CROSS meeting – Director is doing a good job of trying to hold down costs.

Denise Becker reminded the Board of the need to establish a Complete Count Committee and appoint a Census Liaison for the 2020 Census.  The Board decided that members of each city’s Complete Count Committee should serve on the County Committee and that David Dotts will be the Census Liaison.  Dooley suggested that someone from the Amish community should sit on the committee. Seams will check into that. Becker will write the letter needed to send to the Regional Census Center.

Seams made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by at Swearingin at 10:05 AM.

There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 16th day of December.



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David Dotts, Chairperson                                                  Denise Becker, Secretary