Board of Supervisors Minutes- December 16, 2019

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

December 16, 2019

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 16th day of December, 2019, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams members of the Board of Supervisors

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts called meeting to order at 9:02 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

TSwearingin made the motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Seams.

Seams made the motion to approve the December 2, 2019 minutes, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made the motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.

TSwearingin made the motion to approve payroll, seconded by Seams.

Bill Byrns has applied for the $1,000 grant from ICAP for both EMA and 911.  The grant funding has been used for a thermal energy camera, LED flashlight, and 2 cooling mist fans.  Byrns requested permission to rearrange the office.  TSwearingin made the motion to approve rearranging office seconded by Seams.

Denise Becker has submitted her resignation letter effective December 27, 2019.

TSwearingin made the motion to accept Becker’s resignation letter, seconded by Seams.

All Board members stated that Becker is a great asset to Wayne County and will be greatly missed.  She has played a vital role in writing numerous grants for organizations throughout the county and was instrumental in the East Penn Expansion.

Truett Pershy, Cook Insurance Agent along with Heith Hockenberry, Jester Insurance presented their quote for property and liability coverage for the county.  This coverage is offered through EMC Insurance Company.

Randy Zerr, County Engineer, and Lucas Carpenter, Wayne CSD student,  Lucas is job shadowing with Zerr. Zerr presented policies required by FEMA and Iowa Department of Homeland Security for the county in order to receiving funding.

TSwearingin made the motion to approve the Fraud Reporting Policy, seconded by Seams.

TSwearingin made the motion to approve the Personally Identifiable Information Policy, seconded by Seams.

Seams made the motion to approve Segregation of Duties Policy, seconded by TSwearingin.

Seams made the motion to approve Conflict of Interest Policy, seconded by TSwearingin.

Zerr also mentioned that he will be attending a Southern Iowa Development and Conservation Authority (SIDCA) meeting next week and would like to present the Medicine Creek Project to them.  The project total is $1,000,000 and Wayne County is required to fund 20% of the project to qualify for funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  Spring 2021 is the target start date for the Medicine Creek Project.

Zerr also asked for permission to visit with the Wayne County Conservation Board regarding the Medicine Creek Project in regards to clean up efforts.  TSwearingin approved Zerr to visit with the Conservation Board, seconded by Seams.

Seams asked Zerr for an update regarding a warning sign for the curve south of the 210th and Fillmore intersection.  Zerr responded that he is doing is due diligence in his research to determine if necessary and Zerr asked if any of the accidents have been filed with Sheriff’s Office.  None were discussed.

Dave Laing, MDL Agent and Willene White, ICAP representative presented their quote for property and liability insurance.  This coverage is with Iowa Communities Assurance Pool(ICAP).  Wayne County has been a member of this pool since 1997 and it is member owned.

The Board of Supervisors are reviewing both quotes to make sure that Data Compromise Coverage and Township coverage is included in both quotes and will be making a decision at the next board meeting.

Dotts excused himself from the meeting.  He had another obligation and did not return for any of the remaining meeting.

KSwearinging requested an abatement for $350.00 in special taxes and interest on parcel 12230D231004.

Seams made the motion to approve abatement, seconded by TSwearingin.

Aye:  Seams, TSwearingin  Nays:  None          Absent:  Dotts

Monthly reports:

Recorder deposited $4,223.05

Sheriff deposited $23,974.41

Clerk of Court deposited $129.92

Treasurer’s Cash and Outstanding Report

Seams accepted the monthly reports, seconded by TSwearingin.  Seams and TSwearingin

Aye:  Seams, TSwearingin  Nays:  None          Absent:  Dotts

Supervisor’s updates of meeting attended included:

Seams attended Healthy Hometown Living meeting with Public Health.  They are promoting Farmer’s Market on the Square and Seams attended Corydon & Humeston City Council meetings to discuss Farmer’s Market.  Seams attended 5th District meeting, Wayne County Senior Meal Site meeting, Milestones meeting & Southern Iowa Crime Commission.

TSwearingin attended Wayne County Conservation Board meeting.  They are working on FY21 budget and finalizing the 28E agreement with the City of Corydon for the Lakeside Park.  Conservation is working on winter projects and is going very well.

Rob King from the public was present to ask for an update regarding Nuisance Ordinance & Shooting Range.

TSwearingin stated ordinance did not pass.  DSeams stated that the Board has not heard anything more regarding the shooting range and encouraged Mr. King to read the Iowa Code Section 657.9, 335.6 and 414.6.

Claims approved on December 16, 2019

Seams made the motion to adjourn at 10:55 am, seconded by TSwearingin

The Board will meet in session on the 30th day of December 2019.


_____________________________                          Attest:_____________________

David Dotts, Chairman                                               Michelle Dooley, Wayne County Auditor