Board of Supervisors Minutes- November 4, 2019

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

November 4, 2019

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 4th day of November, 2019, in the Board Room/Basement Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams members of the Board of Supervisors, David Rhodes, Shelley Bickell, Michelle Dooley

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts called meeting to order at 9:01 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

TSwearingin made the motion, seconded by Seams to approve the agenda.

Seams made the motion, seconded by TSwearingin to approve the minutes.

TSwearingin made the motion, seconded by Seams to approve claims.

Seams made the motion, seconded by TSwearingin to approve payroll.

Bill Byrns did not attend meeting due to delivering election equipment to polling locations.

Randy Zerr, Secondary Roads Engineer, is working on FEMA project.  Medicine Creek & culvert on Davis Road has been submitted to Federal Highway Department.  Allerton Highway S26 is in the preliminary stages of being repaved.

TSwearingin made the motion, seconded by Seams to accept the bid from Karr Tuckpointing to re-caulk around doors and windows of the courthouse.  This project is scheduled for the fall of 2020.  The cost is $34,398.00.

Seams made the motion, seconded by TSwearingin to approve the Treasurer’s Cash & Outstanding report for September.

Dooley gave October update of employee changes:  Teresa Young (Sheriff’s Office) went full time October 1st, Makenzie Boyd (Sheriff’s Office) went full time October 13th, Amanda Richards no longer employed with Sheriff’s Office.

TSwearingin attended Southern Iowa Transit meeting & 1015 Transit meeting.  Everything is going well.  1015 is working on new building to house vehicles but the building inspector is requiring additional work on footings.

Dotts attended SCICAP, they approved 2020 Budget.  He also attended the Chariton Valley Housing Trust meeting.  Steve Gilbert was the guest speaker to discuss 360 program and different finance options for assisting with housing needs in Wayne County.  Looking into apartment options but it is difficult to get a developer out of the city to come to rural Iowa right now.

Seams attended Precinct Election Official Training.  He also attended a census meeting presented by Tracy Stevens to get a commitment from local governments and business to engage in the census process.  Seams also discussed the Iowa Workforce Development Committee and the reorganization of the committee. He is very concerned with the financial burden of the Wayne County Residents if funds are mishandled.  A lot of the funds is currently spent on administration.  Seams will be attending the next meeting on November 20th in Johnston.  Seams did write and submit a proposal regarding reorganizing into 1 region to eliminate administrative cost.

David Rhodes did the 2nd reading of the Wayne County Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.  Rhodes stated the Public Health Board is the governing body for this ordinance and it is regarding environmental nuisances that are intruding on neighbors.  Rhodes has been Wayne County Sanitarian for 5 years and Rhodes has had situations occur which were difficult for the County Attorney, Alan Wilson to address on a local level.

Public Comment:  The Basement Conference room was filled with concerned citizens.  Twenty-eight (28) citizens signed in to speak.  Most were present regarding the Nuisance Abatement Ordinance.  The common message “This ordinance is too vague and infringes on the personal rights.” The citizens do not think that it is necessary to have such an ordinance especially since there are laws at the state level to handle such issues.

Other residents spoke out against the 1,000-yard shooting range being proposed to come into Clinton Township.  They stated they like their quiet community and want it to remain.  Seams encouraged the residents to look at Iowa Code Section 657.9, 335.6 and 414.6 pertaining to the shooting range.

Public Comment ended at 10:30am.  And the meeting relocated to the Board Room with a short break.

At 10:55am Seams made a motion, seconded by TSwearingin to go into closed session regarding 21.5 employee review.

At 11:10am TSwearingin made a motion, seconded by Seams for Board of Supervisors to come out of Closed session.

TSwearingin made a motion, seconded by Seams to approve Randy Zerr, Wayne County Engineer, a pay increase to $106,000 effective November 4, 2019 and 2.5% for the next 3 years beginning in April 2020.  Seams abstained from voting since he was not part of the hiring process.  Dotts and TSwearingin approved the motion.

Seams made a motion, seconded by TSwearingin to adjourn meeting at 11:20am.

There being no further business, the next meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 18th day of November, 2019.

Claims paid on November 4, 2019

_____________________________                          Attest:_____________________

David Dotts, Chairman                                               Michelle Dooley, Wayne County Auditor