Wayne County Board of Supervisors
March 9, 2020
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 9th day of March, 2020, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board of Supervisors
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:01 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
Seams made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve minutes from February 24, 2020, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve claims, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve payroll, seconded by Seams.
Public Hearing for FY21 Budget
Sue Ruble was present with concerns relating to a drop in Mental Health Funding. Seams explained the state sets the levy rate and that services were not cut but in fact Children Mental Health services were added. Ms. Ruble also asked about the increase in transportation expenditures. Dotts stated that Secondary Roads has various projects scheduled; S26 highway north of Allerton project, 2 new bridges scheduled, local patching, repair work to Medicine Creek in road structure. Ms. Ruble also noted that no figures were included for Uncollected Delinquent taxes or Revenue collected from Delinquent taxes. Ms. Ruble stated expenditures for Veteran’s Affairs has increased and wanted to know if services had increased. Yes, services have increased with more outreach and assistance being provided. She also questioned the Elderly programs. Seams stated that the county funding has increased for the local meal sites because the Board is not currently happy with the programs Milestones is offering. Ms. Ruble also asked about the increase in the Auditor’s election expenditures. Dooley stated that the election laws are changing and the Secretary of State encourages counties to use Tabulator machines for counting ballots in every election which requires ballots to be printed by a third-party vendor. Ms. Ruble also questioned why the Auditor’s budget is so close to the Treasurer’s Budget since the Deputy Auditors work 32 hours a week. Effective July 1st Deputies will be working 72 hours in a 2 week pay period.
TSwearingin made motion to adopt the FY21 County Budget, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve Resolution 20-30 to approve and adopt FY21 Budget, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve Resolution 20-31 for the Department Appropriations of FY21 Budget, seconded by Seams.
The Board certified the 1st Tier Canvass for the Mormon Trail Special Election for Wayne and Clarke County.
Public Measure VL
Shall the Board of Directors of the Mormon Trail Community School District in the Counties of Wayne, Clarke, Decatur and Lucas, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,515,000 to provide funds to construct, build, furnish and equip an elementary school addition and to improve the site?
Yes 260
No 69
Public Measure VM
Shall the Board of Directors of the Mormon Trail Community School District in the Counties of Wayne, Clarke, Decatur and Lucas, State of Iowa, be authorized to levy annually a tax exceeding $2.70 per $1,000, but not exceed $4.05 per $1 ,000 of assessed taxable value within said school corporation to pay the principal of and interest on bonded indebtedness of said school corporation, it being understood that the approval of this proposition shall not limit the source of payment of the bonds and interest, but shall only operate to restrict the amount of bonds which may be issued?
Yes 256
No 73
TSwearingin made a motion to accept the 1st Tier canvass, seconded by Seams.
The 2nd Tier Canvass is scheduled for Monday, March 16, 2020 at 9:00am which will include Lucas and Decatur County results. The public measures require 60% of votes casted to pass.
KSwearingin requested the Board to amend Resolution 20-10 for Designated Depositories. KSwearingin asked for the maximum deposits for People’s Bank to be increased from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000. People’s Bank is currently paying the best interest rate. TSwearingin made motion to approve Resolution 20-29 amending Resolution 20-10, seconded by Seams.
Bill Bryns, EMA & 911 Director met with the Wayne County Fair Board to help with their emergency plan. Bryns also asked if Wayne County has any 28E agreements with other entities throughout the county for temporary office space if an emergency should arise. No 28E agreements are currently in place for responding to an emergency situation. Bryns will be working the County Attorney, Wayne County Fair Board and City of Allerton to draft a 28E agreements.
Randy Zerr, County Engineer has received approval from FEMA for low water crossings and is now working with the Corp of Engineers for their approval. Cramer and Associates has the entire bridge deck removed north of Promise City on Highway S56. Zerr & DCarpenter are working on the DOT Budget and 5-year plan. Purple Wave Auctioneering will be here on Wednesday, March 11th to discuss and picture equipment needing disposed of. Dotts asked if S60 north of Seymour and J46 west of Seymour were part of the 5-year plan. Zerr responded, “Yes but probably 2-3 years out. We will be working on gathering funds.”
Dotts read the 3rd Reading of Ordinance 02-2020 (ATV-OTV)
TSwearingin made motion a pass Ordinance 02-2020, seconded by Seams. Seams also stated most of the ordinance was already state law and DNR regulations, the ordinance consolidates both into one document.
Liberty Finishers LLC submitted Manure Management Plan for the upcoming year.
Smithfield also notified the County by letter that they will begin spreading manure in Wayne County.
Steve Preader, Broker with Sagacity LLC presented the Employee Health Insurance options for FY21. Currently, Wayne County is a member of Iowa Public Employers Pool (IPEP). This pool is made of other county, school and city entities. Wayne County has been a member since 2010. Three factors that effect annual cost of benefits is Claims, Premiums & Administration cost. The national trend average for premium increases is 10% but the County’s increase in cost of benefits over the last 9 years has been an average of 6%. By comparing the actual cost of benefits to national average; a savings of approximately $615,000 has been generated since 2010. Mr. Preader presented several different plan options for the Board to consider. Mr. Preader is scheduled to visit with the Department Heads and Elected Officials during their April meeting and will be following up with the Board for their decision in April.
TSwearingin made motion to accept the Recorder’s February Report, seconded by Seams.
Supervisor Meetings:
All supervisors attended the Courthouse Security meeting and Elected Official/Department Head meeting held early in March.
TSwearingin attended 1015 Transit meeting. 1015 Transit presented a proposal to the City of Ottumwa to provide service for the city. TSwearingin has not heard the outcome of the meeting. The next 1015 transit meeting is March 26th.
Dotts attended a TAC meeting. They discussed their 5-year plan. He also attended a Chariton Valley Planning & Development meeting and visited the prison in Newton to tour the new house program. Currently, the inmates are building 6 homes. The homes are 3 bedroom and 2-bathroom floor plans. Homes include furnace, central air and water heater. Homes cost $75,000 and includes delivery. Buyers are responsible for basement or slab, floor covering and appliances. Dotts was highly impressed with the program. Inmates are coming out of incarceration with trade skills that help them adapt back into society while providing affordable housing options.
Seams attended a meeting concerning the promotion of Farmer’s Market. This was a follow-up of Wellmark’s Healthy Hometown with Jim Cushing. The Farmer’s Market is making good progress in Seymour and Corydon. Seams is getting weekly reports from the CEO of the access Center in Osceola. The CEO is doing much better job with accountability and keeping the CROSS region and supervisors informed. for the facility. Seams also mentioned that there are other options available for affordable housing if individuals are interested in more information.
Public Comments; Ms. Ruble stated that public notice was not given of seats open for election this year nor was the filing periods given. That information was published in the Times Republican and New Era on February 4th. It has been communicated on the Wayne County Website and the Auditor’s Office Facebook page. And the article will be published again by all three county newspapers on March 12 & 17th. Ms. Ruble also asked why David Dotts voted for the Assessor’s FY21 proposed budget which allowed The County Assessor to drop the county insurance and take cash compensation. Dotts replied that the Board of Supervisors has one vote and it was nay; Dotts also mentioned school and city representatives voted aye. Dotts’ vote did not change the outcome. Ms. Ruble asked if they were worried about the precedence that was set and how it would affect future decisions. The County Assessor Offices is a separate taxing authority that does not directly report to the Board of Supervisors. This was a Conference Board decision.
Claims paid March 9, 2020
TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 11:28 AM, seconded by Seams.
The Board will meet in session on the 16th day of March, 2020 at 9:00 AM for the 2nd Tier Canvass of the Mormon Trail CSD Special Election.
______________________________ Attest:___________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor