Wayne County Board of Supervisors
February 24, 2020
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 24th day of February, 2020, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board of Supervisors
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
TSwearingin made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Seams
Seams made motion to approve minutes from February 10 & 18, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.
Dotts read the 2nd Reading of Ordinance 02-2020 (ATV-OTV)
Randy Zerr, County Engineer working with Calhoun-Burns & Associates Inc regarding contract for Medicine Creek Project. Cramer Associates is removing bridge deck north of Promise City on Highway S56 between Newton and Ohio Road. Application filed with FEMA regarding 2 low water crossings on Cedar Road and is in the 90-120-day review process. Zerr will be working on design options for crossings. Randy & Dan Carpenter are working on the budget for the DOT and a 5-year plan which will include repaving S40 highway. Tom Swearingin donated concrete from an old hog confinement for riprap.
Seams made motion for SIEDA, Suzette VanVark to use of the extra Veteran’s Affair office space once a week, seconded by TSwearingin.
Seams made motion to approve the Documentary; Who Do You Think You Are, Leah Bartels and crew to film in the courthouse in the upcoming months, seconded by TSwearingin.
Supervisor Meetings:
Seams attended Iowa Workforce Development meeting. IWDC has a 28E agreement being reviewed by county attorneys. Mahaska & Wayne County has reviewed and returned.
TSwearingin attended Conservation meeting. Mary Ellen Miller was unable to attend but the Wayne County Conservation Foundation reported a grill has been purchased for Bobwhite. Conservation is working on a specific plan for improving Corydon Lakeside Park.
Dotts attended DECAT meeting. Dotts is newly appointed to DECAT. He is becoming familiar with board. Dotts & Dooley attended Iowa Public Employee Pool meeting (IPEP) with Steve Preader to discuss Employee Health, Dental & Vision Insurance for the upcoming year.
Dotts attended fundraiser held February 23rd for the Wayne County Canine Unit. Over 200 people were in attendance and was a great success. Dotts also sits on the Wayne County Housing Board. They are scheduled to visit the Newton Correctional Facility on March 4th to tour the new manufactured home program. The homes start at $75,000.
All Supervisors attended CPR Hands Only Training, ICAP meeting held in Ottumwa, February 13th. The meeting covered responsibilities of public officials. The Board of Supervisors also attended the Assessor’s Conference Board Public Budget Hearing held February 18th. The Assessor Conference Board is comprised of 3 voting groups; school districts, cities and Board of Supervisors. The Assessor proposed 2 budget options regarding Health Insurance Benefits for FY21. Option A; Assessor would remain on County Health Insurance costing approximately $13,000. Option B; Assessor would receive $5,600 in compensation plus FICA & IPERS instead of taking county offered health Insurance, costing approximately $ 6,557. Option B, allows Assessor to lower the fund balance and lower the levy rate from .50581 to .41432. The Board of Supervisors has one vote on the Conference Board; TSwearinging & Seams voted Nay against Option B because a benefit should never be meant to be added to compensation, a benefit is either you participate or not. Option B is also taking a healthy participant from the pool and setting a precedence for future request. Dotts voted Aye.
TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 9:35 AM, seconded by Seams.
The Board will meet in session on the 9th day of March, 2020 at 9:00 AM.
____________________________________ Attest:___________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor