Wayne County Board of Supervisors
November 2, 2020
Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 2nd day of November 2020, in the Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Don Seams; members of the Board, Bill Byrns, Randy Zerr, Jen Reed, Tyler Moore, Susan Moore, Clayton Merritt, Sue Ruble, Shelley Bickel, Ron Wallace, Angie Horton, Penny Fetters, Dr. Wells and Michelle Dooley.
The Corydon Times Republican is live streaming Board of Supervisors regular session meetings on their facebook page.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously by Board members present.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
Seams made motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Dotts.
Seams made motion to accept and approve minutes for October 19, 2020, seconded by Dotts.
Seams made motion to accept and approve claims for November 2, 2020 as presented, seconded by Dotts.
Seams made motion to approve payroll as presented, seconded by Dotts.
Shelley Bickel, Public Health Administrator requested a commitment from the Board of Supervisors for additional funding in the amount of $84,000. Bickel presented the Board with 3 options going forward relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Continue to provide disease investigation, contact tracing for both community and schools, COVID Vaccination Closed Points of Dispensing and Mass Community
Vaccination Clinic if it is warranted. Available Monday thru Friday 8-4 AND
Susan and Shelley work nights and weekends with shift differential pay (25% of wage/hour) and Overtime pay if needed. Will continue to use PRN contact tracer, days, nights, and weekends.
- Continue to provide disease investigation, contact tracing for both community and schools, COVID Vaccination Closed Points of Dispensing and Mass Community Vaccination Clinic if it is warranted. Available Monday thru Friday 8-4. NO nights and weekends. Will continue to use PRN contact tracer M-F 8-4 pm. Shelley will work 24-40 hours per week and Susan will work 32- 40 hours per week, depending on amount of funds received.
- Turn disease investigation and contact tracing over to the Iowa Department of Health
AND we will do the Closed Points of Dispensing and Mass Vaccination Clinic for the COVID vaccine and work just Monday thru Friday 8-4 pm. Shelley will work no more than 24 hours per week and Susan will work 32-40 hours per week*
PLEASE NOTE WITH THIS OPTION 3:Susan is not doing her clinics for Marion County because they have suspended them due to COVID, we are not receiving any funding to pay her which is why she has been helping with COVID so we did not lay her off and continue to have the help. If we do Option 3, we will need funds to keep her employed and I will give her work to do and probably decrease my time to two days per week so to keep her busy without COVID responsibilities.
Additional notes:
- It takes approximately 2-4 hours for each Community Positive case to do all the work required.
- It takes approximately 4-12 hours for each school staff or student case to do the work required.
- Closed Points of Dispensing for COVID vaccine will take approximately 1-4 hours to vaccinate employees for each dose of vaccine depending on number wanting the vaccine. This includes vaccinating and data input to state IRIS system.
- On average, Shelley has worked approximately 25 hours per month and Susan 12 hours per month on nights and weekends. This would be for differential pay.
- Mass Vaccination Clinic- Many unknowns due to when the vaccine is available and how many will want to receive it. If it is large and done over many days it will require all of staff and volunteers and other county/city agencies may need to help. If BOS or BOH do not want PH employees to work OT or nights and weekends then Mass clinic will only be available Mon-Fri 8-4 pm.
- If the BOS do not choose to fund option I or 2, then NO additional funds will be sought for COVID funding if available.
- As of 10/27/20, Wayne County Public Health has been doing OPTION 1 since March 15, 2020.
- Shelley has applied and received funding to pay for supplies and salaries and NOW all funds have been used except the COUNTY CARES FUNDS and ADDITIONAL WAYNE COUNTY FUNDS if the BOS approve to do so.
- According to wage and labor, Shelley has been told that the Board of Health can retroactive a policy to March 1, 2020 to implement Differential pay. Shelley emailed Alan Wilson for his opinion. If the policy cannot be retroactive, then policy can be implemented and payed moving forward if Option 1 is chosen.
- All Shelley’s numbers are estimated with what we have done so far on an average basis to get some idea of cost. It could be more or less depending if the Iowa Department of Health adds more responsibilities or removes activities, such as contact tracing, but no talk of doing this anytime soon.
Both Dr. Wells and Bill Byrns spoke in favor of supporting Public Health and their request for additional county funding. Public Health services are invaluable to our county especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Dooley also spoke regarding the matter; the Board of Supervisors has never refused to cover additional funding for Public Health to meet payroll or expenditures in the past and she does not expect them to start this year. The County supported Public Health in FY18 with over $250,000; FY19 with over $210,000 and FY20 with over $250,000.
Dotts made motion to approve Shelley Bickel’s option 1 to be fully funded at $84,000 and to amend Public Health FY21 Budget, seconded by Seams.
Randy Zerr/Engineer gave the Board an update regarding Secondary Road Department. Zerr is working with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on Low Water Crossing on Cedar Road. Preliminary plans sent to Iowa Department of Natural Resources for approval. Zerr is working with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on Medicine Creek project. The Medicine Creek Project is being designed by Calhoun-Burns. The Allerton S-26 Highway is completed except for stripping and rumble bars. Zerr is working on the County Line Agreements with Appanoose, Lucas, and Decatur County, as well as Mercer and Putnam Counties in Missouri and 28E agreement with the City of Corydon regarding the courtyard and parking lots.
No Monthly Department Reports
Supervisor Meetings:
Dotts attended the Iowa Department of Correction Meeting. They discussed the effects COVID-19 was having on their budget.
Seams attended the local South-Central Iowa Workforce Development Area (SCIWA) Region for Iowa Workforce Development and an Iowa Workforce Development meeting. Seams also completed the 4 courses required by FEMA.
Public Comment:
Tyler Moore spoke on behalf of the Sheriff’s Office regarding the excellent communication being provided by Public Health Department relating to COVID-19 and keeping their office safe while doing their jobs.
Susan Moore stated that over the weekend there was 12 new cases and since Monday morning there was an additional 6 new cases confirmed. Public Health was sending staff to the Corydon Nursing & Rehab Facility to assist staff with residents. Moore also stated that the state system dealing with COVID-19 is behind doing contact tracing for 26 individuals.
Sue Ruble supported the Boards motion for the Public Health Department 100%. Ruble also stated that Wayne County is a senior citizen county and the services provided by Homemakers would be negatively affected if Public Health did not receive additional funding. Ruble asked why Seams would want to step back a little on the Wayne County COVID policy with an increase in positive cases.
Clayton Merritt thanked the Board of Supervisors for their support of Public Health.
Ron Wallace stated the work of Bickel and Moore as invaluable and especially has homecare needs increase. This information that is provided helps the homecare staff to perform their duties in a safe manner.
Penny Fetters thanked the Board for their support of Public Health and also stated that the Public Health Department and services have improved greatly under the direction of Shelley Bickel.
Angie Horton, Recorder spoke regarding the alternating work schedule being utilized in her office.
Dr. Wells thanked the Board of Supervisors for supporting Public Health. Dr. Wells also reminded everyone that there is no mandates for Wayne County; they are only recommendations. The Public Health Board will continue to strive to keep the public informed and encouraging everyone to do the very best. “We all need to wear a mask while in public and practice social distancing, do the right thing.”
Sue Ruble added that she has been informed that more than one supervisor is in the office at a time. She is still waiting on the Attorney General’s opinion to be sent to her. Dotts replied that Al Wilson opinion is in line with the Attorney General. Ruble also asked why a supervisor was commenting on the design of the low water crossing on Cedar when he is not an engineer. That should be left up to our County Engineer, Randy Zerr. Ruble also asked if the Rural Service allocation from the county to Secondary Roads was being used for the Medicine Creek Project. Dooley stated that the county’s required funding to Secondary Roads is coming from both General Basic and Rural Service. There is a formula to figure the maximum funding that is followed. Currently there is no levied tax dollars specific to the Medicine Creek project but that Wayne County is in the preliminary stages of project.
Claims Paid November 2, 2020
There being no further business, the next regular session meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 16th day of November 2020, at 9:00AM in the Courthouse Conference Room with the County Canvass being held on Tuesday, November 10th, 2020 at 9:00 AM.
Seams made motion to adjourn at 9:45 AM, seconded by Dotts.
_________________________________ Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, Auditor