Wayne County Board of Supervisors
October 19, 2020
Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 19th day of October 2020, in the Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board, Mendy Middlebrook, Halie Spidle, Bill Byrns, Randy Zerr, Jen Reed, and Michelle Dooley.
The Corydon Times Republican is live streaming Board of Supervisors regular session meetings on their facebook page.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:04 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
TSwearingin made motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to accept and approve minutes for October 5, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to accept and approve claims for October 19, 2020 as presented, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve payroll as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.
CROSS Region has approved COVID Grant for New Venture Waiver Home in the amount of $7,300. The approved purchases include PPE, Laptops with cameras and furniture for residents. Mendy Middlebrook and Halie Spidle requested the Board of Supervisors to approve credit card limit to be increased short term. Seams made motion to approve the New Venture Credit Card Limit to be increased to $6,000 for 3 months, seconded by TSwearingin.
Wayne County Public Health is working on getting COVID vaccinations soon. Vaccinations will be distributed by close pod (Point of Dispensing) method which is requiring a Memorandum of Understanding with Wayne County. TSwearingin made motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Wayne County Public Health Department, seconded by Seams.
Seams requested the County COVID Policy dated September 8, 2020 to be reviewed to allow more than one Supervisor in the courthouse at a time. TSwearingin and Dotts did not support any changes to the current COVID policy.
Bill Byrns, EMA & 911 Director presented that he is picking up supplies for Public Health to be prepared to start dispensing COVID vaccinations soon. Byrns is working on documentation for the CARES Grant. Bryns also discussed the an agreement between Wayne County and Corydon State Bank that needs to be updated for Corydon State Bank to use the Basement Conference in the Courthouse in case of a disaster. TSwearingin made a motion for Byrns to work with Al Wilson on the agreement, seconded by Seams.
Randy Zerr/Engineer gave the Board an update regarding Secondary Road Department. Zerr is still working with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on county projects. The Allerton S-26 Highway is currently closed until Wednesday, October 21st @ 5PM. Zerr is working on the County Line Agreements with Appanoose, Lucas, and Decatur County, as well as Mercer and Putnam Counties in Missouri and 28E agreement with the City of Corydon regarding the courtyard and parking lots Zerr also discussed the status of payment for upgrading 200th Street from a Level-B road to Level-A road. TSwearingin made motion to revert to the original bid of $52,000 minus any payments that have been made as of October 19, 2020. The Board also is requesting the petitioners to establish private financing to resolve this outstanding debt, seconded by Seams. Zerr will work with Al Wilson, County Attorney to get notification out to the petitioners. Zerr also request the Board signatures on the final voucher being submitted to Iowa DOT for payment on Highway S56 Bridge and the Culvert project on Edison.
Seams made motion to accept and approve tax abatement of $193, all penalties and future taxes for Parcel 12230C204006, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to accept and approve tax abatement of $31, all penalties and future taxes for Parcel 13010B129008, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to accept and approve the Central Service Cost Allocation Plan for FY20 (CASI Report) as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to accept and approve the GASB 75 Actuarial Valuation FY20 as presented, seconded by Seams.
TSwearingin made motion to accept and approve the September Reports as presented from the Sheriff’s Office, Recorder’s Office, Clerk of Court and the Treasurer’s Cash and Outstanding Report, seconded by Seams.
Supervisor Meetings:
Seams attended two(2) meetings for the South-Central Iowa Workforce Development Area (SCIWA) Region for Iowa Workforce Development. The SCIWA Board is getting trained and has sent out bid request for services.
TSwearingin attended Public Health meeting.
Dotts has attended several housing meetings for the county.
Also the Board of Supervisors attended the Elected Official/Department Head meeting and the informational COVID-19 meeting with Dr. Wells and Shelley Bickel, Public Health Administrator.
No Public Comments
Claims Paid October 19, 2020
There being no further business, the next regular session meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 2nd day of November 2020, at 9:00AM in the Courthouse Conference Room.
TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 9:37 AM, seconded by Seams.
_________________________________ Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, Auditor