Board of Supervisors Minutes- September 21, 2020

Wayne County Board of Supervisors


September 21, 2020

Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 21st day of September 2020, in the Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board Bill Byrns, Randy Zerr, Jen Reed, and Michelle Dooley.

The Corydon Times Republican is live streaming Board of Supervisors regular session meetings on their facebook page.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

TSwearingin made motion approve the agenda, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve minutes for September 8 & 14, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made motion to approve claims for September 14 & 21, 2020 as presented, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve payroll as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.

Bill Byrns was present and stated that Denise Becker & Shelley Bickel completed the Care’s Act Grant.  The Grant application was submitted on September 14, 2020 for approximately $81,000 to help cover the expenses relating to Covid-19.

Randy Zerr/Engineer gave the Board an update regarding Secondary Road Department.  Zerr is working on the construction design for the low water crossing.  Calhoun-Burns is still working on the design for Medicine Creek Project. Cold-in-place phase for the Allerton S-26 Highway was completed on Friday, September 18, 2020.  Final surfaced should be laid in 2 to 3 weeks. The PCC patching throughout the county was finished on September 17, 2020.   Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) approved the FY2020 Annual Report as presented.  Zerr will be working on the County Line Agreements with Appanoose, Lucas, and Decatur County, as well as Mercer and Putnam Counties in Missouri.  These agreements are to be reviewed every 5 years.  Dooley also asked if Zerr would please visit with the City of Corydon regarding the agreement for maintaining the courthouse parking lots regarding snow/ice removal.

Denise Becker presented to the Board by phone on behalf of Chariton Valley Housing Trust Fund (CVHTF).  CVHTF has been in place for over 11 years and have received over 2.3 million dollars in funding.  CVHTF helps homeowners with home improvement through grants, forgivable loans, and regular loans.  Becker is requesting the Board of Supervisor to commit to another year of local funding.  Last commitment was for $7,5000.  This money stays in Wayne County and it is matched 4 to 1.  Seams wanted more information about the Board and the programs they offer and support before taking action.

The Clerk of Court, Recorder and Sheriff’s Office presented August Monthly Reports.  Seams made motion to accept and approve the reports as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.

Supervisor Meetings:

TSwearingin has Conservation and 10-15 Transit meetings this week.

Dotts attended Wayne, Ringgold, and Decatur County Landfill meeting.  A new cell has been done at the Landfill.  A new tractor has been purchased and they are looking into purchasing a new mulcher.

Seams has attended many meetings regarding the South-Central Iowa Workforce Development Area (SCIWA) region for Iowa Workforce Development.  Today, the CEO of the region will be naming the 19-member board that will govern the new region and will be naming the Chair and Vice-Chair.  Also, Pathfinder will be the fiscal agent for the new region.  Wapello County Auditor, Kelly Spurgeon had to retract her offer to be the fiscal agent.

Public Comments;

David Dotts, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors would like to inform everyone that the Courthouse is open, but the Treasurer’s Office is open by appointment only.  Also Dotts would like to remind everyone that the role of the Supervisors is to provide leadership and guidance.  Their primary role is budgetary and that the other elected officials do not answer or work for the Board of Supervisors.

TSwearingin stated that there is positive feedback regarding the new drop box located on the south side of the Courthouse.  Dooley also stated that the drop box in the West Foyer would remain through April 2021.

Claims Paid September 14, 2020

Claims Paid September 21, 2020

There being no further business, the next regular session meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 5th day of October 2020, at 9:00AM in the Courthouse Conference Room.

TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 9:32 AM, seconded by Seams.



_________________________________                       Attested__________________________________

David Dotts, Chairperson                                                   Michelle Dooley, Auditor