Wayne County Board of Supervisors
August 24, 2020
Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 24th day of August 2020, in the Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin(by phone), Don Seams; members of the Board, Angie Horton, Sue Ruble, Jen Reed, and Michelle Dooley.
The Corydon Times Republican is live streaming Board of Supervisors regular session meetings on their facebook page.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
Seams made motion approve the agenda, seconded by TSwearingin.
Seams made motion to approve minutes for August 10, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.
Seams made motion to approve claim paid on August 17,2020 to Nic Emerson for the amount of $11,650, seconded by TSwearingin.
Seams made motion to approve claims as presented, seconded by Dotts. TSwearingin abstained from voting.
Seams made motion to approve payroll as presented, seconded by Dotts. TSwearingin abstained from voting
Seams made motion to approve the abatement of $1,524 taxes and any future taxes and penalties for parcel# 13200G456012 for the City of Lineville, seconded by TSwearingin.
Jack Shields also visited with the Board regarding an adjacent property that the city is acquiring and requested the 90-day waiting period to be waived to receive deed. Board referred Mr. Shields back to Kim Swearingin, County Treasurer regarding the matter.
Seams made motion to approve the abatement of $576 taxes and any future taxes and penalties for parcel# 07190F330001 for the City of Corydon, seconded by TSwearingin.
Bill Byrns was not present.
Randy Zerr/Engineer gave the Board an update regarding Secondary Road Department. Iowa DOT has approved the permits for the Locust Creek low water crossing. Zerr is working on the construction plan for the crossing. Calhoun-Burns is working on the design for Medicine Creek. Pre-construction meeting was held with Norris Asphalt & Paving regarding the Allerton Pavement Project and project is scheduled to begin September 9 or 10 with the cold-in-place phase. This phase should take 2-3 days then the project will sit for 2-3 weeks before the final surface is laid. The final surface phase will take 2-3 days. Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Patching letting date was held August 18, 2020 for various concrete patching locations throughout the county. Cedar Falls Construction Company, Inc was the low bid at $96,265.20. Zerr asked the board to award the bid.
Seams made the motion to award the bid to Cedar Falls Construction Company, seconded by TSwearingin.
Theft of rock and obstructions in the Right-of-Way is still an issue.
Dan Carpenter, Assistant Engineer & Title VI Coordinator presented the Title VI Policy Statement, Title VI Notice to the Public and the DOT Order # 1050.2A to the Board for approval.
Dotts read the Title VI Policy Statement. Seams made the motion to accept and approve the policy, seconded by TSwearingin.
The Board has completed interviews for the New Venture Administrator Position. Linda Fain recommended that the work week be adjusted from 32 hours to 40 hours. Seams made motion to set the work week to 40 hours and $40,000 annual salary plus benefits, seconded by TSwearingin.
Michelle Dooley, County Auditor presented the FY20 CASH Annual Financial Report to the Board. Seams made motion to accept and approve the Report as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.
Seams made motion to accept and approve Treasurer’s July Cash and Outstanding Report as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.
Seams made motion to accept and approve Recorder’s July Report as presented, seconded by Dotts. TSwearingin abstained from voting.
Seams made motion to accept and approve Sheriff’s July Report as presented, seconded by Dotts. TSwearingin abstained from voting.
Supervisor Meetings:
Dotts, TSwearingin & Seams interviewed for the New Venture Administrator position on August 17th and attended the Courthouse Security meeting on August 18th.
Seams attended two Healthy Hometown meetings to discuss how to improve overall health for Wayne county residents. Seams also attended a preliminary CROSS meeting, and meetings with Lineville Senior Meal Site, Corydon Senior Meal Site and the South-Central Iowa Workforce Development Area (SCIWA).
Dotts attended a DECAT meeting where they reviewed the Financial statements.
Public Comments;
Angie Horton, Wayne County Recorder requested the Board to reconsider requiring the public to wear a mask when doing business at the Courthouse. Dotts will follow-up with Al Wilson, County Attorney for legal counsel pertaining to the matter.
Sue Ruble asked if there was any truth to the rumors regarding nails being intentionally placed on county highways causing an increased number of flat tires. Dotts stated that Seymour Tire was experiencing an increase in tire repairs and the Sheriff’s Office is aware of the situation. Ruble requested again for a schedule of when Board members are in the office. Seams stated that he strives to be a man of his word and does not want to post a schedule that he may not be able to keep. Ruble asked Dotts why he voted Nay on the Courthouse Remodel. Dotts responded that he was not convinced the remodel was necessary. Ruble asked Dotts about the letter from Al Wilson and what was redacted in the email. Ruble stated that she did not see the Attorney General opinion relating to Open Meeting Laws and would still like to see their opinion.
Claims presented & paid August 17, 2020
There being no further business, the next regular session meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 8th day of September 2020, at 9:00 AM in the Courthouse Conference Room.
Seams made motion to adjourn at 9:54 AM, seconded by TSwearingin.
_________________________________ Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor