Board of Supervisors Minutes- June 30, 2020

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

June 30, 2020

Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 30th day of June 2020, in the Basement Conference Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board, Sue Ruble, Jen Reed, Michelle Dooley and Randy Zerr.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

TSwearingin made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve minutes for June 15, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made motion to accept the Bond Counsel Engagement Agreement with Ahlers Cooney Attorneys for refinancing the 2012A Bonds, seconded by Seams.

Dotts read the Resolution entitled; “Resolution Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of not to exceed $1,960,00 General Obligation Local Option Sales and Services Tax Refunding Bonds and Ratifying Publication of Notice Thereof.”

TSwearingin made the motion to pass the Resolution and Ratify publication of Notice, Seconded by Seams.

Randy Zerr, County Engineer has permit approval from Iowa DNR for low water crossing on Lucust Creek Crossing. The west low water crossing will be approved if sketch shows new sides are flush with channel. Zerr is getting additional information regarding The Medicine Creek Project for Calhoun & Burns. Zerr visited with Steve Leonard with Norris Asphalt & Paving regarding the Allerton Pavement Project. The preconstruction meeting is scheduled for the last week of July. Cold-in-Place is scheduled for August/September and surface course is September/October. Zerr has visited with Smithfield regarding the project and will also be visiting with Dairiconcepts. Bridge project on S56 North of Promise City is coming along well. The contractor is finishing up painting and striping. Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Patching letting date is August 18, 2020 for various locations throughout county. The patching project has to begin prior to October 12, 2020. Theft of rock and obstructions in the right-of-way is still an issue, Engineer Zerr is documenting and working with Sheriff’s Office to resolve the situations. Zerr received communication for the Iowa Utilities Board regarding restoration of agricultural lands during and after pipeline construction. Administrative rules are being reviewed and Zerr is willing to author a response on behalf of Wayne County to get further clarification because ANR Pipeline runs through Wayne County. Seams would like a better definition of “above-ground structures.” Zerr presented the Board with two policies for the Wayne County Engineer’s Office; Employee Benefits Policy and the Use of Accumulated Sick Leave to Pay for Health Insurance Policy.
On June 1, 2020 Dotts and TSwearingin voted Aye and Seams voted Nay to adopt the Employee Benefits Policy contingent upon approval from Al Wilson, County Attorney & Jack Reed, HR Counsel. Both have reviewed and approved the policy wording. Board signed policy effective July 1, 2020. Seams stated “A Man’s Word is His Bond”. The benefit policy implies that Engineer’s Office Staff in more valuable and deserving than other county staff and Seams did not think that a separate policy should be approved since Engineer’s Office Employees received and signed off on the Wayne County Handbook. The handbook should have been adjusted to include the special circumstances for the Engineer’s Office Staff as it is for the Sheriff’s Office and New Venture Waiver Home staff.

TSwearingin made motion to adopt the Use of Accumulated Sick Leave to Pay for Health Insurance Policy, seconded by Seams. No longer will the Engineer’s Office Staff be allowed to use 40% of the sick accumulated balance toward paying insurance premium after retiring from Wayne County.

Dotts read Resolution 20-34 to set policy on entrances to County Right-of-Way. The Resolution delegates the responsibility of managing the entrances to the Wayne County Engineer. Anyone who seeks to make physical changes regarding County Right-of-Way shall obtain permission from the County Engineer’s Office. The Resolution allows an applicant to construct rural entrances within the Wayne County Right-of-Way with an approved permit and meeting insurance requirements. Currently, any entrances that are on the Engineer’s list will be completed by the Secondary Road Department unless other arrangements are made.
TSwearingin made motion to pass and adopt Resolution 20-34, seconded by Seams.

Dotts read Resolution 20-33; Wayne county, Iowa has determined that it is in the public interest to purchase real estate owned by Donald L and Dixie D Ahrenkiel consisting of approximately .99 acres to be utilized by the Secondary Road Department in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-four Township Sixty-Eight North, Range Twenty-One for the sum of $1.00.
TSwearingin made motion to pass and adopt Resolution 20-33, seconded by Seams.

Secondary Road Department purchased a Nissan Forklift for $14,150.
TSwearingin made motion to accept the addition to equipment and will be added to the Capital Asset Listing, seconded by Seams. Zerr also mentioned that the new truck for the Sign Technician and Weed Commissioner was picked up and will be added to Capital Assets in FY21.

Dotts read Linda Fain’s retirement letter as New Venture Director. Fain’s retirement is effective 9/30/2020. Seams made motion to accept Fain’s retirement, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made motion to advertise for the New Venture Director Position, seconded by Seams. Linda Fain, Mendy Middlebrook and Jack Reed will assist the Board of Supervisors with the hiring a new Director.

Dooley presented the Recorder’s May monthly report. May deposits were $5,175.53. Seams made motion to accept the Recorder’s report as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.

Dooley presented the Treasurer’s Cash and Outstanding report for May. Balances in the 3 basic funds are above 50% of the budgeted expenditures for FY20. Transfer from Rural Service Fund to Secondary Road Fund is $12,131.68 for the month of May. Currently transfers to Secondary Road Fund is short by $18,783.57 because of tax collection and tax sale collections for FY20. Seams made motion to accept the Cash and Outstanding report as presented, seconded by TSwearingin.

Supervisor meetings:
Seams attended Southern Iowa Area Crime Commission. That staff is doing a great job reporting back to the Board about their standing. Seams also assisted with interviews for hiring new staff for the new region created for Iowa Workforce Development. Next, they will be working on the job description for the fiscal agent.

TSwearingin attended Public Health Board meeting by Zoom. TSwearingin wanted to remind everyone The Board of Health is not recommending any festivals or fairs to be held for 2020 but they cannot mandate their stand. The Wayne County Fair Board will meet on Thursday, July 2, 2020 to make a decision on the 2020 Fair. Dr. Wells is still very concerned for Wayne County. TSwearingin also attended a 1015 Transit meeting in person. They had three months of business to go over. 1015 Transit is sitting very well financially and have the possibility of receiving 4.5 million dollars in funding from the Cares Act in the coming months. Effective July 1, 2020 1015-Transit will be taking over the Ottumwa Transit System making it the 2nd largest transit system in Iowa. They are purchasing a new bus and have done several improvements at their Ottumwa location. 1015 Transit represents 10 Counties and every county allocates $2,500 per fiscal year. Unanimously, the 1015 Transit Board dedicated the $25,000 to providing services for Veterans in FY21.

Dotts attended phone meeting for the Executive Board of Correctional Services. They discussed year end and were updated on the Financial status. Dotts also attended SCICAP meeting.

Public Comments:

Sue Ruble was present to ask for the schedule of when the Board members are at the courthouse and mentioned that Rhonda Bennett would be happy to publish. TSwearingin stated he is in the courthouse Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Dotts comes in the afternoon and Seams stated he is in almost every day. Ruble was concerned about public meeting laws being followed. Ruble visited about Seams concern about TSwearingin conflict of interest on certain motions relating to the Treasurer’s Office and stated that it needs to be practiced fairly with Dotts in regards to the Sheriff’s Office. Ruble also asked about restricting funds left over from FY20 Courthouse Budget to go toward the Courthouse remodel. Ruble asked if the Highway 2 project was going to be completed in 2020. Board responded they believed so but that was an Iowa DOT project. There was discussion about county allocation funding for Wayne County Home Care Aid Agency and that the Board of Supervisor should pursue representation on their board. Ruble also mentioned again about social distancing and wearing mask is not being practiced and that it is irresponsible of our county leaders.

Claims paid June 30, 2020

There being no further business, the next regular session meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 1st day of July 2020, at 9:00AM.

TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 11:03 AM, seconded by TSwearingin.

____________________________________ Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor