Wayne County Board of Supervisors
June 15, 2020
Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 15th day of June 2020, in the Boardroom of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board, Dan May, Lance Lange, Justin Lain, Bill Byrns, Keith Davis, Jen Reed, Michelle Dooley
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
Seams made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve minutes for June 1(Regular) & June 8(County Canvass), 2020, seconded by Seams
TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.
Justin Lain, President of the Wayne County Fair Board spoke to the Board regarding the 2020 County Fair. Also, present was Dan May & Lance Lange, Co Vice-presidents. The Fair Board is trying to make the best decision for everyone involved regarding whether to hold the fair or not. They have been in conversations with the Wayne County Board of Health numerous times and is working closely with Shelley Bickel, Public Health Director to keep everyone as safe as possible. It is the recommendation of the Board of Health to not hold any festivals or fairs during 2020. The Wayne County Fair Board is trying to follow suit with the State Fair Board. The State Fair has postponed 2020 fair but they are trying very hard to still support 4H and FFA participants and vendors in some fashion. The County Fair Board is also working with the Local Iowa State Extension Office to support our local youth which may result in some modifications of the fair. The County Fair cost approximately $145,000 and if the fair is not held there will still be fixed cost that must be paid totaling $79,500 and the only revenue the Fair Board would receive is the County’s allocation of $10,000. Lain stated that their next meeting is scheduled for July 2nd and he is hoping all directors will be in attendance to determine their next step. The Board of Supervisors fully support the Fair Board’s decision regarding the 2020 Fair.
Bill Byrns submitted the EMPG Grant Supplement. There was 62 out of 99 counties that applied. The grant amount increased from $4,400 to $6,400. The $6,400 EMPG grant is to be used toward Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relating to COVID-19. Byrns is also working on applying for the $1,000 grant from Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) to help cover some of the additional expenses regarding the COVID-19.
Randy Zerr, County Engineer is waiting on Iowa DNR to approve east low water crossing permit. All parties have signed the contract for the Medicine Creek Project and now Calhoun & Burns is working on design planning. Zerr is trying to contact Norris Asphalt regarding the HMA resurfacing of the Allerton Pavement- S26 to get a timeline for the project. Bridge project on S56 North of Promise City is coming along well. The contractor is finishing up guard rails, sandblasting and some other work and is still within their allotted time to complete the project. Theft of rock and obstructions in the right-of-way is still an issue, Engineer Zerr is documenting and working with Sheriff’s Office to resolve the situations. Supervisors mentioned that the Secondary Roads Department did a good job on the patching project and that it will be an improvement until a more permanent fix is completed.
New Venture had a full-time employee, Kari Cremeens change to Part-time. Linda Fain, New Venture Director hired Haleigh Hoover to cover weekend shift.
Seams discussed meal sites in Wayne County. The Wayne County Meal Site Board met with Darin Relph, Hospital CEO regarding the current challenges of providing meals to the elderly. The hospital is willing to provide meals for Corydon and Allerton residents. Seams is hopeful that this will improve the participation and hopes the hospital will be able to handle the increase. The cost will $4 per meal and will be covered by the hospital. Seams hopes that this agreement with the hospital will be effective July 1, 2020. Seams also recommends that the County to continue to allocate funding to the individual city meal sites so that after Covid-19 pandemic the centers can open back up. Once the meal site in Corydon opens back up the hospital will continue to deliver meals to the center to allow for fellowship. Brian Shelley may be named the new Wayne County Meal Site Board Chair. Seams also met with the Lineville Meal Site Board and they are working with the Marty Nichol, the owner of the Steel Wheel in Lineville to provide warm meals to their residents. The suggested cost to the county will be $2 and $4 per participant. Seams is expecting 20 meals to be served a day for 3 days a week. Seams is working with Humeston and Allerton to keep those meal sites open and is hoping that meals will be offered in Seymour again.
Heidi Kuhl, Northland Security Director presented the refunding options of the 2012A Bonds for the County. The bonds became callable on June 1, 2020 and are able to be refinanced at a lower interest rate for the remaining 8 years. These bonds are the result of the Local Option Sales & Service Tax of one cent that originated in 2008. Currently, Wayne County has a rating of AA-. There are 28E agreements with all the cities in Wayne County to split the revenue generated evenly between the cities and the county. TSwearingin made a motion to precede with non-rated bond refinancing and to set the public hearing for July 13, 2020, seconded by Seams.
Dooley presented the Cost Advisory Service Inc. 3-year contract. Cost Advisory Service Incorporated helps the county to maximize the reimbursement received for the office space used by Department of Human Services on the 2nd floor of the courthouse. The annual cost for their service is $4,125 and the County receives approximately $16,000 reimbursement annually. Seams made a motion to approve the 3-year contract, seconded by TSwearingin.
There is still discussion between Board members regarding courthouse remodeling for the Auditor’s Office relocating to Bill Byrns’ previous office on the 1st floor which will allow the Treasurer’s office to expand into the current Auditor’s office. Also, the Recorder’s Office is looking to add a permanent glass front to their office. TSwearingin presented a drop box option for residents to use 24/7 going forward. The drop box option seems to be well received by the public. The drop box is stainless steel and will cost approximately $1,500. TSwearingin will continue to work with Byrns regarding the best option for the county. Angie Horton joined the meeting and wanted the public to know that the Recorder’s office is open and only taking appointments for passport photos. Horton supports the continued use of the drop box and welcomes the public to call with any of their questions regarding their office. Also, Horton wants to remind everyone to make sure boat license are up to date before heading to the water. Seams is requesting floor plans of the remodels for the Treasurer, Recorder & Auditor. TSwearingin made motion to publish a bid notice for the remodel project in the Courthouse, seconded by Seams. All contractors interested are invited to come to the Courthouse on July 6th, 2020 @ 4:30pm to discuss the specific details of the project with the Supervisors, Recorder, Treasurer & Auditor. Sealed bids need to be submitted to the Auditor’s Office by Friday, July 24th @ 4:00pm. The Board will be open bids during the regular session meeting held Monday, July 27th @ 9:00AM.
The Sheriff and Clerk of Court May Monthly Report were presented to the Board. Seams made motion to accept the reports, seconded by TSwearingin.
Dotts did not attend any meetings because they were cancelled.
TSwearingin attended Wayne County Conservation meeting. Kenny Banks and staff are very busy getting ready for camping season and the 4th of July. A new Gravely mower was purchased. TSwearingin also attended Public Health Board meeting by Zoom. The Board is not recommending any festivals or fairs to be held for 2020.
Seams met with Wayne County Meal Site Board along with the Wayne County Hospital and Lineville Meal Site Board. Seams also attended Iowa Workforce Development for the new region and will be conducting 2 interviews to fill a staffing position for the region. Both candidates are very knowledgeable about the IWD and will be great assets. Also, two counties are interested in being named the fiscal agent for the region which will be determined at a later date. Service agreements will expire December 31, 2020.
No public Comments
Claims paid June 15, 2020
There being no further business, the next regular session meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors will be held on the 30th day of June 2020, at 9:00AM.
Seams made motion to adjourn at 11:05 AM, seconded by TSwearingin.
____________________________________ Attested___________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor