Wayne County Board of Supervisors
May 4, 2020
Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 4th day of May 2020, in the Boardroom of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The
Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board, Bill Byrns, Jenn Reed and Michelle Dooley
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:03 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
TSwearingin made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve minutes from April 20, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.
Public Hearing held for FY20 Budget Amendment. No public called in or was present. Seams made motion to approve amendment, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve Resolution 20-32 for FY 20 Budget amendment and appropriations, seconded by Seams.
Bill Byrns, EMA & 911 Director presented Board with 28E Agreement that County Attorney, Al Wilson drafted between Wayne County and Fair board. This agreement would allow the County offices located in the Courthouse to relocate to the Wayne County Fair; Event Center temporally in the event of a disaster. Byrns will present 28E Agreement to the Fair Board at their next meeting for their review and approval.
Byrns and Zerr is working with Chris Spencer from FEMA regarding Covid-19 funding. An exploratory call is scheduled for Thursday, May 7th @ 1:30pm with the County, School and Mr. Spencer. There is approximately 360 FEMA cases filed and the State of Iowa is trying to consolidate the calls within counties. Byrns & Zerr thought the funding is 80(federal)/20(local). Byrns & Zerr invited the BOS to participate in the call and is requesting questions to be written down beforehand. If work is done by a licensed contractor, labor and materials are all reimbursable but if work is done by county employees labor is not reimbursable but materials is.
Randy Zerr, County Engineer discussed FEMA project 108089 resulting from 2019 flooding. Total cost of project is $100,230.54. Federal share is $75,172.91. State share is $10,023.05 and local share is $15,034.58. State will not release funding to the county until low water crossings are completed and signed off on. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approved both permits but the Iowa DNR has only approved one permit. Sec Rds is waiting for DNR to be approve the 2nd permit to move forward with preparation of project. Calhoun-Burns have submitted service agreement for the Medicine Creek project and that has been forwarded on to Iowa DOT for their review and approval. Allerton Pavement North-S26 Highway bid letting occurred on April 21st. There was one bidder, Norris Asphalt Paving Co. LLC in the amount of $785,658.76. The project will consist of milling 3” off, recycling and relaying for a total of 5” overlay. Projected start date is the fall of 2020. S-56 Bridge North of Promise City bridge deck and approach have been poured. Contractor is currently working on barrier rail. Sec. Rds replaced entire twin box culvert on Edison Rd., backfilling will begin later this week. There is an increase of rock theft in the county. Tax dollars pay for the rock and stealing it affects everyone. Sec. Rds will be monitoring the situation and if caught stealing rock, charges will be pressed. Also, a reminder please remove all obstructions in road right-of-way. For definitions of obstructions, please refer to Iowa Code Section 318. Also, for farmers planting crops, please make sure to be mindful of the road right-of-way when planting. Engineer’s office has received payment from Purple Wave and working on getting last 2 items picked up.
TSwearingin made motion to approve Resolution 20-33 to award bid to Norris Asphalt Paving Co. Inc for S26 paving project, seconded by Seams.
Seams read letter received from Pam Taylor, Director of Milestones Area Agency on Aging pertaining to the senior meal sites located in Wayne County. The Corydon facility has been combined with the Chariton facility. The agency reduced the hours worked by local staff. The local staff declined to continue with employment. The agency is delivering 5 frozen meals to local participating residents per week. The agency is discussing serving hot meals at the meal sites again but Seams is concerned about the quality of the meals. Seams also mentioned a few participants have switched over to hospital program. Those meals cost the residents approximately $2.00 to $2.50 each. The cost to the hospital to prepare is $5. Seams would like to explore the possibilities of partnering with local restaurants in Wayne County to help provide for this need. Allocation check to the Wayne County Senior Meal Site Board in the amount of $3,000 will be entered for the next Board meeting.
Board discussed the reopening of the courthouse to the public. No decision was made. An elected official/dept head meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11th @ 9am.
No Department Monthly Reports
Supervisor meetings:
TSwearingin attended 1015 Transit meeting by phone. 1015 Transit is taking over the transit system in Ottumwa, IA. Also, 1015 will be receiving FEMA funding due to the Covid-19.
Dotts attended SCICAP meeting. They discussed financial status. The home improvement projects are currently postponed due to the Covid-19. Electricity disconnect deadlines have been extended. Dan May and the Wayne Community FFA Chapter is donating 750 lbs of pork to the local food pantry.
Seams called into several ISAC conference calls regarding the Covid-19. Seams also attended Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) meeting by phone. Area 15 and Area 6 have merged. The new area is made up of 14 counties. Jason Roudabush, Poweshiek County Supervisor is the CLEO (Chief Leading Elected Official) and Don Seams is the Vice-CLEO. Services contracts for area colleges have been extended through December 31, 2020. Roudabush & Seams are currently working on bi-laws and then they will be working on hiring staff.
Public Comments: Jen Reed did mention that she has visited with a Dr. from the New York area about the Covid-19 pandemic. The Dr. stated that what has probably been most beneficial to the Midwest is shutting down businesses and travel. Reed has been in contact with several Amish residents in Wayne County regarding the Covid-19 and they have been very respectful and inquiring about when a vaccination will be available.
Claims paid May 4, 2020
TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 10:47AM, seconded by Seams.
The Board will meet in session on the 20th day of May 2020 at 9:00AM.
____________________________________ Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor