Board of Supervisors Minutes- April 20, 2020

Wayne County Board of Supervisors


April 20, 2020

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 20th day of April, 2020, in the Boardroom of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4.  The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board, Bill Byrns, David Rhodes, Jen Reed, Shelley Bickel, Kim Swearingin and Michelle Dooley

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.

Dotts called meeting to order at 9:03 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

Temporary Wayne County Veteran’s Affair Office Procedures during Covid-19, while Courthouse is shutdown and how to get the Courthouse reopened to the public was added to the agenda.

TSwearingin made motion to adopt the agenda with the additions, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve minutes from April 6, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.

Public Meeting held on behalf of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Public Health regarding Covid-19.  The grant was for $2,000 but Wayne County received $6,000 because of the amount that Public Health is doing in regards to Covid-19 in the County.  Public Health will be using $3,000 to purchase additional equipment and supplies and the remaining $3,000 will be used to cover additional hours worked by Shelley Bickel during this pandemic.  Bickel presented the Board with the Residential Anti Displacement & Relocation Assistance Plan, Wayne County Code of Conduct, Equal Opportunity Policy, Excessive Force Policy, Affirmative Fair Housing Policy, Wayne County Procurement Policy.  Bickel also presented the Board with the required Federal Language for Contracts paid with CDBG Funds.  TSwearingin made motion to approve the policies, seconded by Seams.

Public Health received a stimulus payment to help with the fight against Covid-19 on Friday, April 17th for approximately $7300.

David Rhodes, Sanitation requested the Board to waive the 2nd and 3rd reading of the County Tanning Facility Ordinance and to adopt the ordinance. The ordinance was published in the Seymour Herald on April 9th and the Times Republican and New Era on April 14th.  Seams made motion to waive the 2nd and 3rd reading, seconded by TSwearingin.  TSwearingin made motion to adopt the County Tanning Facility Ordinance, seconded by Seams.

Bill Byrns, EMA/911 reported that Wayne County currently has 32 gallons of hand sanitizer and we received another shipment of supplies over the weekend.  Wayne County is prepared if we begin to have confirmed Covid-19 cases.   Byrns also shared an option for protective windows to help the county offices prepare to reopen.  The protective windows are approximately 30×30 and cost $180 each.

Randy Zerr, County Engineer working with FEMA on funding for low water crossings, self-certified sites and culverts.   Zerr is working with Calhoun & Burns regarding the contract for Medicine Creek.  Iowa DOT approved the 5-year Construction Program with a few minor changes.  Cramer and Associates is removing bridge approaches on Highway S56 north of Promise City. They are making good progress.  Purple Wave On-line Auction ended Tuesday, April 07, 2020, it generated $143,685 for 17 pieces of equipment/vehicles.  All cost covered by the buyer; county is not responsible for any selling cost.  Engineer’s Office is working with Purple Wave to get Motor Grader collected for and picked up.  Secondary Roads purchased 2 used snow plow trucks from DOT and purchased a new box for the Sign Technician truck when it arrives.

Administrative Leave Policy was drafted by Seams & TSwearingin and reviewed by Jack Reed and Al Wilson.  A department meeting was held Friday, April 17th to discuss.  The policy states that limited/alternate work schedules may be implemented to reduce the risk of exposure to Covid-19.  If employees telework from home, they will receive 100% pay but if they are only on-call; they will receive 2/3 of pay.   Employees who are affected by this policy have the option to supplement with sick and vacation.   Also, benefits for employees will continue during this time.  TSwearingin and Seams both stated that they do not like the situation that the county is in but we all work for the taxpayers.  We have to make hard decisions and lead by example.  Dotts supports keeping money flowing through county employees so that we can continue to support local, small businesses as much as possible.  TSwearingin made motion to adopt the policy, seconded by Seams.  TSwearingin and Seams voted Aye and Dotts voted Nay.  Policy was adopted.

Dooley presented the FY20 Budget Amendment and gave explained a recap of the amendments requested.  Public Health have increased services due to number of clients increasing plus Covid-19 preparedness, Sheriff increased expenditures paid through LOSST Funds, Veteran’s Affair State Allocation had to be amended to reflect funding received, General Service has new hire; Aaron Hoelting. Aaron is cross training with Dan Coffey.  Danny will be retiring as building/grounds maintenance the end of May, Data Processing expenditures increased; Scantron Technology Solutions is new IT support.  The IT infrastructure and workstations have been upgraded and additional cyber security implemented.  FY20 Budget Amendment will publish this week in the newspaper with the public hearing to be held Monday, May 4th.

Seams made motion to approve monthly reports from Clerk of Court, Sheriff and Treasurer, seconded by TSwearingin.

Supervisor meetings:

Dotts had a phone meeting for DECAT.  It did not work very well because of phone issues.

TSwearingin had Public Health Meeting regarding Covid-19 every Wednesday morning.

Seams attended CROSS meeting by video regarding Access Center in Osceola.  The CROSS region is trying to change the contract with the Access Center.  The region is not satisfied with operations of the Center.

Seams also attended Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) by phone. Area 15 and Area 6 has voted to merge and will be sending Governor Reynolds a letter requesting her approval of the merge.  Then a new 28E agreement will be written.  The new area will be South Central Iowa Development Area. Once the new area is approved and the 28E agreement is in place, they will work on securing a fiscal agent and staff.

All 3 supervisors joined webinars presented by ISAC regarding Emergency Paid Sick Leave, Expanded FMLA and Governor Reynolds update.  They also sat in on webinar from Carosh Solutions making sure the County is HIPPA compliant while teleworking.

TSwearingin made motion to approve Temporary Wayne County Veterans Affairs Office Procedure During the Covid-19, while Courthouse is shutdown, seconded by Seams.

TSwearingin is requesting all offices to think of what is necessary to get the Courthouse open back up to the public.  Plexiglass shields are being looked at to provide protection from spreading the Covid-19.  Also, discussion needs to occur to manage the traffic flow for a little while until we get caught up on some services that have not been offered the last month.  Limiting access to the Courthouse to one entrance.  Also, offices may need to take turns monitoring the number of individuals and having a sign-in sheet.  Of course, this all depends on Governor Reynolds plan to open back up the state through phases.

Kim Swearingin, Treasurer was present to request permission for the Treasurer’s Office to relocate to the conference room on the lower level.  They have out grown their current office space and have HIPPA concerns.  Dotts and Seams would like to see the major offices stay on the same floor.   Swearingin and Dooley are to brainstorm on options and return with a plan.

Claims paid April 20, 2020

Seams made motion to adjourn at 10:30AM, seconded by TSwearingin.

The Board will meet in session on the 4th day of May, 2020 at 9:00AM.



David Dotts, Chairperson                                              Michelle Dooley, County Auditor