Wayne County Board of Supervisors
April 6, 2020
A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 6th day of March, 2020, in the Court Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board, Bill Byrns, David Rhodes, Jen Reed, Jared Chambers, Jason Dent, Burton Prunty and Michelle Dooley
Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
TSwearingin made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve minutes from March 23, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin.
TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.
Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.
Jared Chambers discussed the Wayne County Foundation has some funding available to partner with the County to assist local businesses during this Covid-19 pandemic. Chambers estimated that 175 local businesses are affected. Seams recommended that Chambers apply to Iowa Workforce Development to be a part of a committee to help local businesses. Dotts also mentioned that he is working with Nicole Moore at Chariton Valley Planning & Development. Moore is working on behalf of local businesses.
Jared Chambers, Jason Dent and Burton Prunty addressed the Board of Supervisors regarding selling the 17 pieces of equipment on Purple Wave. Purple Wave is based out of Manhattan, KS. Chambers, Dent & Prunty would like the County to keep business local. Zerr, County Engineer joined the meeting and addressed their concerns. Purple Wave specializes in government sales. Purple Wave was used in the past and all cost are covered by the buyer. Chambers, Dent expressed that they too could offer different platforms to sell the equipment. Zerr and the Board of Supervisors encouraged the three auctioneers to put together proposals/bids to be considered in the future.
Conference call with Jack Reed, Iowa Negotiations Consulting Services regarding Covid-19. Reed expressed that conditions and guidance is changing constantly from the Federal and State Government as well as the Iowa Workforce Development. Reed stated the Temporary County Policy adopted on March 23rd was intended to only to be in place until the Family First Coronavirus Act went into effect on April 1, 2020. The down side to leaving the Temporary County Policy in place with Administrative Leave is that when The Board of Supervisors changes the policy; the employees are still eligible to request expanded FMLA which is 2 weeks at 100% pay and 10 weeks at 2/3 of pay at the cost of the county. And employees can supplement this pay with using their accrued leave to make up the remaining 1/3 of pay. The 1/3 is at the discretion of the employee. TSwearingin asked how furloughs worked because other employers are using furloughs but Reed was unable to respond.
Seams made a motion to rescind the Temporary Wayne County Policy originally adopted March 23, 2020, and to follow the Federal Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave, seconded by TSwearingin.
Reed is going to draft a limited/altered work schedule policy. The Board and County Attorney will review and may call a special meeting to discuss.
Reed also discussed the Engineer Office Staff Policy. Reed wanted to make sure the Board was aware that the policy could not be changed without the approval of the County Engineer. Reed also mentioned the policy was patterned after the union contract and there has been some laws and language changes that need to be updated. Seams asked Zerr if Engineer’s Office Staff and Secondary Roads Department had the new County Handbook that went into effect April 1, 2020 and did all employees had sign the acknowledgment. Zerr replied, “yes”. Reed also mentioned that the Union Rep was aware of the policy and could file a grievance requiring the Engineer’s Office Staff to be a part of the Union. Seams questioned why the Engineer’s Office Staff did not follow the handbook. Dooley, County Auditor, stated that Zerr was trying to only document current practices that have went on for years. Zerr reminded everyone that this was only a draft for the Board of Supervisors, Jack Reed & Al Wilson to review. Zerr also requested Reed to redline his copy and send it back for Al Wilson, County Attorney to review. Seams made motion to table the Engineer’s Office Staff Policy, seconded by TSwearingin.
Randy Zerr, County Engineer gave update regarding Secondary Roads Department. Seams expressed concern about the decrease funding from gas taxes. Iowa DOT approved getting engineering plans for Medicine Creek. Highway S26 north of Allerton is still scheduled for bid letting on April 21st. Cramer and Associates is ready to pour bridge deck on Highway S56 north of Promise City. Purple Wave On-line Auction ends Tuesday, April 07, 2020. Current bids total $93,000.
TSwearingin made motion to approve IDOT Budget for FY21 and 5-year Plan, seconded by Seams.
Bill Byrns stated Covid-19 is getting closer to Wayne County. Byrns, Rhodes & Bickel will be running through some possible scenarios this afternoon. Byrns displayed a face shield designed by Josh Hysell. Supplies for the face shields have been purchased and production of some will begin. Wayne County received another shipment of supplies to help with Covid-19. Wayne County is planning to purchase hand sanitizer from an Iowa distillery in the coming days.
Dotts read the County Tanning Facility Ordinance.
The ordinance will be published in the county newspapers. The Board of Supervisor are expected to make a motion on ordinance at the next meeting held April 20, 2020.
Conference call with Steve Preader, broker with Sagacity Benefits and Founder of IPEP (Iowa Public Employers Pool). Steve discussed the options he is proposing for FY21. TSwearingin made motion to accept Alternate #1(Traditional Health Insurance Plan) & 3(HSA Insurance Plan $1500 deductible), seconded by Seams. Dotts asked if the employees who are currently participating in an HSA plan has been visited with. Dooley said “No” and Preader also added that the new plan is a richer plan than currently offered. Employees should be very pleased with the changes.
Seams made motion to approve Recorder’s March Report and the quarterly report, seconded by TSwearingin.
Supervisor meetings:
TSwearingin has been attending several Public Health Meetings regarding Covid-19. Jen Reed has been covering those meetings.
Seams is attending Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) meetings 2 to 3 times a week by phone. Wayne County belongs to Area 15. Area 6 is wanting to merge with Area 15 and they are working on getting the votes to move forward with the merge. This should help to secure funding needed for services and administration. A company has been hired to work with the fiscal agent. Area 15 has been working on 28E agreement for several weeks and just recently learned that IWD has declined the agreement because it does not fit their need. Service agreements are extended to July 1, 2020. IWD is funded through Federal Title 1 Funding. Seams also attended CROSS meeting. Access Center in Osceola is still the main topic of concern. CROSS Region is renegotiating contract with the Access Center. The Access Center was mandated by the state.
Dotts attended SCICAP meeting. SCICAP clients will be hurt greatly by the Covid-19. The WRD Landfill is not currently open to the public until further notice.
Claims paid April 6, 2020.
Seams made motion to adjourn at 11:14AM, seconded by TSwearingin.
The Board will meet in session on the 20th day of April, 2020 at 9:00AM.
____________________________________ Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson Michelle Dooley, County Auditor