Board of Supervisors Minutes- March 23, 2020

Wayne County Board of Supervisors

March 23, 2020

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 20th day of March, 2020, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice duly given in compliance with Iowa Code Section 21.4. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Tom Swearingin, Don Seams; members of the Board

Unless otherwise noted, all motions were approved unanimously.
Dotts called meeting to order at 9:00 AM

Pledge of Allegiance

TSwearingin made motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve minutes from March 16 & 17, 2020, seconded by TSwearingin
TSwearingin made motion to approve claims, seconded by Seams.

Seams made motion to approve payroll, seconded by TSwearingin.

Bill Byrns stated most counties are adopting Disaster Declarations regarding Covid-19

Dotts read the Disaster Declaration.

TSwearingin made motion to adopt Disaster Declaration, seconded by Seams.

Dotts read Temporary Wayne County Policy.

Seams made motion to adopt Temporary Wayne County Policy, seconded by TSwearingin.

Bill Byrns and David Rhodes has taken inventory of supplies in Wayne County to respond to Covid-19. They have determined a secure location for future deliveries of supplies. Supplies will be monitored and ordered accordingly. Hair Salons are the last businesses to be forced to closes their doors on Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 10:00 PM.

Bill Bryns, EMA & 911 Director met with the Wayne County Fair Board to help with their emergency plan. Bryns also asked if Wayne County has any 28E agreements with other entities throughout the county for temporary office space if an emergency should arise. No 28E agreements are currently in place for responding to an emergency situation. Bryns will be working the County Attorney, Wayne County Fair Board and City of Allerton to draft a 28E agreements.

Randy Zerr, County Engineer visited with Chris Spenser with Homeland Security and FEMA for low water crossings final review. Calhoun and Associates is working on the engineer design for Medicine Creek. Zerr is working with Ahrenkiels in Sewal regarding a 50’Street Right-of-Way to be dedicated to the County on 165th Street and Elm Street. Highway S26 north of Allerton is being let on April 21st and the project is scheduled for fall2020. Cramer and Associates has begun work to widen the bridge on Highway S56 north of Promise City. July 21st is the deadline for the project to be completed. Secondary roads currently has some older, obsolete equipment listed with Purple Wave On-line Auction Service. Bids will be accepted through April 7th.

Dotts read the Wayne County Engineer’s Office and Secondary Roads Department policy regarding Unused Sick Leave Maximum Accumulation Clarification Policy. They may accumulate up to 120 working days based on eight (8) hour actual work day. Maximum is nine hundred sixty (960) hours.
TSwearingin made motion to adopt the policy, seconded by Seams.

Zerr & DCarpenter are working on the Iowa DOT Budget and 5-year plan. Carpenter explained that cities with less than 500 residents may request farm to market extension funds back from the County and maintain their own roads. SWAP program is also undergoing changes regarding state funding in FY21. Secondary Roads has salt purchased and almost at capacity for next winter. McCully is closing Edison Road east of the mat business by Locust Creek to replace a bridge with a box culvert. Edison is expected to be closed for approximately a month. Carpenter also confirmed the 5-year plan which includes Medicine Creek, pavement patching, replacing some culverts with tank cars. Dotts asked if S60 north of Seymour and J46 west of Seymour were part of 5-year plan and Carpenter confirmed it was.

Dooley presented the Board with the list of servers, workstations and printers that were recycled.
TSwearingin accepted the recycling certificate presented, seconded by Seams.

Northland Securities is proposing that the county refinance the General Obligation Bonds currently outstanding for the Jail. These bonds are paid for by the Local Option Sales and Service Tax (LOSST). The refinancing will generate savings of $53,404.
Seams made motion to start the process to refinance the GO Bond 2012A, seconded by TSwearingin.

Seams accepted the Treasurer’s Cash and Outstanding Report, The Sheriff’s Deposit Report and The Recorder’s Deposit Report for February, seconded by TSwearingin.

Supervisor Meetings:
TSwearingin and Dotts attended ISAC Spring Conference. A few of the topics discussed were Roberts Rule of Order, Challenges faced by Prisoners Released, Cybersecurity and 2020 Census. All three Supervisors have been in numerous meetings with County Health Dept and Emergency Management regarding the threats of

Seams attended Milestone meeting by phone. Still trying to meet the nutritional needs of our elderly population. Seams also attended IWD meeting by phone. District is looking to merge with Area 6, which will generate additional funding.

Claims paid March 23, 2020

TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 10:19AM, seconded by Seams.

The Board will meet in session on the 6th day of April, 2020 at 9:00AM.

Dotts reopened the meeting at 11:30AM.
Seams made a motion to grandfather in two (2) employees affected by COVID-19 prior to the Temporary Wayne County Policy dated March 23rd, seconded by TSwearingin.

TSwearingin made motion to adjourn at 11:32AM, seconded by Seams.

The Board will meet in session on the 6th day of April, 2020 at 9:00AM.

____________________________________          Attested__________________________________
David Dotts, Chairperson                                         Michelle Dooley, County Auditor