Board of Supervisors Meeting – February 08, 2016

A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 8th day of February 2016, in the Board Room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice of meeting duly given in compliance with Section 21.4 of the Code of Iowa. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.

Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.

Unless otherwise noted, all motion carried unanimously.

Dotts made the motion, Sellers seconded to approve the Agenda, motion carried.

Sellers made the motion, Dotts seconded to approve the Minutes of the January 25, 2016, meeting, motion carried.

Sellers made the motion, Dotts seconded to approve the claims as submitted, motion carries.

Bill Byrns, EMC/E911 was present and informed the Board that there was going to be a meeting on Wednesday the 10th at the Hospital in regards to Ragbrai, that will be traveling through Wayne County.

Trevor Wolf, County Engineer, was present and reviewed with the Board, bridges, equipment and various projects.

Branden Carpenter, Deputy Assessor, was present and reported on the Rural Tax Abate request. Mr. Carpenter reviewed the application, with Sells making the motion, Dotts seconding to approve and sign Resolution 01 thru 19, 2016, motion carried.

Dotts made the motion, Sellers seconded the motion to approve and sign the QCD in regards to the alleys in Confidence, Iowa, motion carried.

Dotts and Kester reported on attending the meeting with the Wayne County Fair Board.

Holly Arnold, Wayne Co HHHA, was present to review the Memorandum of Agreement Between Wayne County, Iowa, and Wayne County Home Care Aide Agency, Inc, and request that it be renewed. Sellers made the motion, Dotts seconded to approve and sign, motion carried.

A much review Sellers made the motion, Dotts seconded that the County would enter into an agreement with County Employees the ability to participate in the various programs at the Prairie Trails Wellness Center, motion carried.

Amy Clapham, SSC, was present and reviewed with the Board various options in regards to telephones, bundles and service. After much discussion Ms. Clapham will return at a later date with more information and the Board will review the various options.

The monthly reports of the Wayne County Clerk of Court; Angie Horton, County Recorder; and Kim Swearingin, County Treasurer, was approved and filed.

There being no further business the Board recessed with a meeting for discussion purposes to be held on February 17, 2016, and the next regular meeting would be held on the 22nd day of February, 2016.

Attest: __________________________
Sue Ruble, County Auditor

Duffy Kester, Chairperson