A meeting of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors was held on the 11th day of January 2016, in the meeting room of the Wayne County Courthouse, Corydon, Iowa, pursuant to notice of meeting duly given in compliance with Section 21.4 of the Code of Iowa. The Board noted due notice of meeting subject to said Code Section.
Present were David Dotts, Duffy Kester, John Sellers, members of the Board of Supervisors.
Kester, Chairperson, opened the meeting with Dotts making the motion to approve the Agenda. Sellers seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
Sellers made the motion to approve the minutes of the December 29, 2015, meeting. Dotts seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
Sellers made the motion to approve the claims as submitted. Dotts seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
Trevor Wolf, County Engineer, was present and reviewed with the Board equipment purchases, projects and road conditions noting that a person had taken a cat and pushed several tons of rock of a road cost additional dollars to replace and that they were investigated.
Kim Swearingin, County Treasurer, was present and reviewed with the County some properties in Humeston and Seymour had not been purchases at tax sale and that 90 day notices had been given with no response from 2008 thur 2009. There was a review of the properties with the Board agreeing to look at the properties and review their options for disposal of the properties. The properties were as follows;
Humeston – Parcel # 01150E363007 in the amount of $1488.00
Parcel # 01150F378002 in the amount of $ 188.00
Seymour – Parcel # 12230D231004 in the amount of $1088.00
Parcel # 12130E302002 in the amount of $ 331.00
Parcel # 12130E361008 in the amount of $1915.00
Mark Winslow was present on behalf of Corydon Community Development Corporation requesting that the Board abate taxes on parcel # 07190F384001 in the City of Corydon in the amount of $344.00 plus $10.00 interest. Mr. Winslow explained that they wished to remove the house and sheds, cleaning up the property and ready it for development in the spring of 2016. Sellers made the motion to abate that taxes and interest as requested. Dotts seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
Von Dodds and the Area Director of the Crisis Center & Women’s Shelter were present and stated that they serviced 12 Counties including Wayne County, also reviewed with the Board, their locations, services they provide and their upcoming budget for the fiscal year 2016-2017, noting that they were requesting $4157.00, which represented $.65 per resident of the County according to the 2014 census. The Board reviewed the information and thanked for their information, noting that they would look at it during their budget process.
Amy Clapham, South Central Communications, was present and reviewed with the Board various options for telephone service and a new system. The noted various options they would like to install into the system, with Ms. Clapham requesting more information in what the County currently had and forward to her and that she would return on February 8, 2016, with more information and prices.
Sellers made the motion to appoint David Dotts to an unexpired term and BJ Alley to a 5 year term to the Wayne County Conservation Board. Dotts seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
Sellers made the motion to appoint Dr. Joel Baker as Wayne County Medical Examiner for a one year period. Dotts seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
Dotts made the motion to appoint Denise Becker to the Area XV Multi-County Housing Board. Sellers seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
It was noted that there was a vacancy on the Wayne County Public Health Board to be replaced at a later date and that no appointments was made to the RAEB Board.
Sellers made the motion to approve the Homestead Credits, Military Credits and Business Property Tax Credit for the fiscal year 2016-2017. Dotts seconded the motion with all Members present voting aye.
The Board noted the resignation of Ann Risk Garber as Wayne County Mental Health Advocate. The stated that they felt that Mrs. Garber had represented Wayne County, provided a very valuable service to the County and that they thanked her for her years of service and wished her an enjoyable retirement.
The monthly reports of Angie Horton, County Recorder, Keith Davis, County Sheriff, and Kim Swearingin, County Treasurer, were approved and filed.
There being no further business the Board recessed with a meeting set for discussion purposes on January 20, 2016 and that the next regular meeting would be held on the 25th day of January 2016.
Attest: __________________________
Sue Ruble, County Auditor
Duffy Kester, Chairperson